Modern Elegance - A WordPress Theme with Class

Modern Elegance - A WordPress Theme with Class

Version: 1.2.1
For more details about updates please scroll down to the bottom of item description.

Modern Elegance – a stylish and classic WordPress theme with rich customization possibilities. Powered by a unique, massive and functional CMS, gives you a very high level of control over the live site and all its features. Equipped with additional tools designed for faster editing and additional content display. Welcome in the Age of Modern Elegance!

Main Features

Take a look on some selected key features to see what makes this theme so powerful and unique. Some features you can also see in action by checking our Live Preview demo site.

* Unique classic design and great customization possibilities

* Powerful and functional CMS

* Advanced background options – global & individual background settings for pages or posts

* 10+ Google and Cufon fonts – two title font options

* Lightbulb (page/post editor shortcode generator) and useful shortcodes

* Insert Image (advanced tool for inserting images)

* Color options – unlimited variations (titles, links, background, menu styling)

* Extensive documentation included

* 3 unique and customizable homepage sliders

* 18 page templates with advanced custom options

* 10 custom widgets

* Translation ready

* 3 image galleries layouts (including custom thumb layout), 4 customizable portfolio layouts

* Functional Gallery and Portfolio lists

* Media galleries – for videos and music

* Additional tools: Top Area Content, Floating Objects, Splash Page, and more…

* Advanced Blog – 4 blog page layouts + individual post layout settings

* and much more…


* Pretty Photo plugin

Restrictions and recommendations:

* Gallery pages and some shortcodes use free NextGEN Gallery plugin by Alex Rabe and you will have to install it if you want to use these features. NOTE: Recommended NGG version to use with the theme is 1.9.13 – this older version can be downloaded here. It is also possible to use NGG version 2.0+, but if version 2.0+ is used, the latest compatible version for this moment is NGG version

* Media Gallery (page template) and Homepage Feature Video are using wordTube plugin by Alex Rabe & Alakhnor and you will have to install it to use these features. wordTube plugin needs also an installation of JW Player(tm) which is free for non commercial use. NOTE: If you use wordTube with JW Player(tm), for commercial purposes an additional purchase of JW Player commercial license is needed on JW Player(tm) website. More information you will find here: wordTube is not needed to play all videos in this theme, only for these two sections: Homepage Featured Video and Media Gallery (page template)

* we tested this theme with latest available version of:
- plugin NextGEN Gallery 1.9.13 and 2.0.40 by Alex Rabe and Photocrati
- plugin wordTube 2.4.0 by Alex Rabe & Alakhnor,
- player used for wordTube plugin: JW Player(tm) 5.6.

Updates List

Version v1.2.1

VERSION 1.2.1 (date: 30.06.2015)///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////- 1 file in ModernElegance/cms/js/cms.js- 1 file in ModernElegance/cms/css/cms.css- 1 file in ModernElegance/lib/js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js- 2 files in ModernElegance/readme.txtstyle.css///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////UPDATE CHANGES DESCRIPTION:01. FIX: new lightbox file version02. FIX: Lighbulb (shortcodes generator) functionality fix for newer WP versions03. FIX: Insert Image functionality fix for newer WP versions

Version v1.2

VERSION 1.2 (date: 29.11.2013)///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////- 8 files in melegance/cms/php/cp_controlpanel.phpcp_customposts.phpcp_functions.phpcp_general.phpcp_menu.phpcp_renderer.phpcp_shortcodes.phpcp_widgets.php- 1 file in melegance/css/common.css- 1 file in melegance/js/common.js- 1 file in melegance/css/pphoto/prettyPhoto.css- 1 file in melegance/lib/js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js- 32 files in melegance/404.phparchivelist.phpauthor.phpblog.phpcategory.phpcomments.phpcontact.phpdate.phpfullwidth.phpgallery.phpgallery-list.phpheader.phphomepage.phpmedia-gallery.phppage.phppagemap.phpportfolio.phpportfolio-list.phpquestions.phpreadme.txtsearch.phpsearchpage.phpservices.phpsidebarpage.phpsingle.phpsingle-memberpost.phpstyle.csstag.phptagmap.phpteam.phpthumb.phptour.php///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////UPDATE CHANGES DESCRIPTION:01. FIX: Theme media buttons fix on page/post options             - lightbulb and Insert Image was not displayed properly02. FIX: Announcement color and background color options fix03. FIX: Breadcrumbs display code fix for post title display04. FIX: Timbthumb script update to latest version (2.8.13)05. FIX: Missing translations added on Gallery List page (for PO file)06. FIX: Shortcode dcs_image styles fix for image padding option07. FIX: Code improvements for full PHP 5.4 compatibility08. NEW: Option for turning off Breadcrumb added09. NEW: Changes in breadcrumbs engine             - parent category display on posts pages and hierarchy added10. NEW: WordPress menu option for theme primary menu11. NEW: Lightbox files update

Version v1.1

VERSION 1.1 (date: 19.02.2012)///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////- 4 files in melegance/cms/php/cp_menu.phpcp_shortcodes.phpcp_renderer.phpcp_help- 1 file in melegance/cms/js/cms.js- 1 file in melegance/cms/lib/js/box/image.html- 1 file in melegance/css/common.css- 2 files in melegance/readme.txtstyle.css///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////UPDATE CHANGES DESCRIPTION:01. FIX: Comments counter is hidden for post on blog and single page            - when comments section is closed or if there are no comments.02. FIX: ID list in MElegance > CMS Help tab fix.03. NEW: Insert image tool can remove default image padding and border04. NEW: Option for menu in boxed mode.05. NEW: New option in section MElegance > Menu - "Remove menu bottom margin".

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