OZONE - Premium Vanilla 2 Theme

OZONE - Premium Vanilla 2 Theme

Vanilla 2.2 support is coming soon!

If you encounter any issues, please email themes@secondwindprojects.com

What is OZONE?

OZONE is a premium theme for Vanilla 2 forums. OZONE is a clean theme that focuses on readability and striking a good balance of color and whitespace, subtly enhanced with CSS3 effects.


OZONE comes with NINE different color styles: Ozone, Autumn, Bumblebee, Embers, Forest, Magma, Moonlight, Ocean, and Plum. You’re sure to find just the right style to fit your community!


The color styles were all built using the power of LESS, and the LESS source files for all nine styles have been included for easy customization and creation of new styles.


OZONE is compatible with a wide variety of browsers including Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, and IE.

OZONE also includes customization for some popular Vanilla 2 plugins built into the CSS, so you won’t have to worry about your favorite addons detracting from this beautiful theme. If you find a plugin you want that doesn’t work with the OZONE theme, let me know and I’ll add support for it!

OZONE is designed to work with the latest version of Vanilla 2.1! Additionally, the old version of OZONE has been included for Vanilla 2.0.18 installations.

Version History

2.1.1    - OZONE is now responsive!    - Should now properly support banner text and images of varying sizes    - More bug fixes2.1    - Now compatible with the latest stable release of Vanilla 2.1!    - Added some initial support for Peregrine's Reactions plugin    - Lots of bug fixes and minor style improvements for the Vanilla 2.1 release2.0    - Now compatible with Vanilla 2.1b2!    - Many elements redesigned to take advantage of Vanilla 2.1 features    - Greatly improved visual consistency across all pages    - Improved display at small screen sizes    - Tweaked the available color schemes to improve quality    - The header banner effect is now fixed and is always visible even when scrolling    - Dropped support for IE71.3    - Added some custom theming for "I Like This" and "Thankful People" plugins    - Improved consistency of banner effect and added it to the search and tag pages    - Admin checkboxes on discussions should now actually work    - Some embed-mode fixes    - Minor visual improvements1.2    - New font-based icons for Announced and Closed discussions!    - A modified mobile theme! Manual install, currently only available in Ozone Blue.    - Search bar is now on top of the side panel for easier searching.    - Bugfixes!1.1    - Two new dark themes: Moonlight and Magma!    - Ocean has joined the dark side.    - Added customization for Button Bar plugin.    - Embedding support (beta).1.0    - OZONE released!

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