Flashlight - fullscreen background portfolio theme

Flashlight - fullscreen background portfolio theme


The theme now supports WooCommerce 2.1+ Read more about the Changes at the bottom of the Page. Updating is highly recommended! :)

Flashlight is an elegant and flexible WordPress Portfolio and Photography Theme, suited for users with no coding knowledge as well as deverlopers. The theme comes with a plethora of options so you can modify layout, styling, colors and fonts directly from within the backend. 5 differen Gallery Types make sure that you can showcase your work they way it fits best for your project.

The gallery managment is super easy and convenient. Just upload your images, select a gallery type and hit publish. Want to build a gallery with dozenz of images in less than 2 minutes? This theme makes it possible :)

Check out the Video Tutorial Section if you want to see some short screencasts on how to setup your site.

Fullscreen Slider and Galleries
The Fullscreen Slider will adapt to the screen resolution of your visitors and other than with other themes, will perform very fluid transitions, even on large screens with resolutions of 2500 pixels and above. Most of the Galleries are able to display the Camera Exif data in case you want to share who, when and how your pictures were made.

SEO (Search engine optimization)
The theme is built with SEO best practices in mind. It uses semantical valid HTML code and CSS so search engines can index the content of your site with ease.

Key Features Overview

  • 6 different Galleries (Fullscreen, Masonry Grid, Inline Slideshow, Inline Attached, Classic 3 Column, Wordpress Default)
  • Shop support with woocommerce: the theme now lets you sell your pics with ease
  • Any Number of Galleries possible, Galleries can be attached to each post, page or portfolio entry
  • Exif data display
  • Password protected posts and galleries
  • Performant javascript fullscreen slider on very large resolutions. Supports pattern overlay of images, autosliding, tooltips, thumbnails and more
  • Optional image overlays for background slider, so visitors cant just right click and save your images
  • Supports Inline Video Content with the help of Wordpress Embed function
  • No plugins needed whatsoever, everything is included within the theme
  • Translation Ready
  • Visual Shortcode editor with preview function
  • Custom Widgets like: Recent News, Recent Portfolio entries, Twitter, Twitter + RSS follower count
  • Color picker options for any number of gorgeous color settings.
  • Unqiue Sidebars for each page/category possible
  • Ajax Contact Form
  • Extensive User Manual, short videos and professional theme support by me and my team to fix any kind of problems
  • Growing community in our support forum: 4500 registered users, 5300 Topics, 25000 Posts. We do care that your site works!
  • Portfolios & Portfolio Custom Post types
  • jQuery 100% unobtrusive wich degrades gracefully if javascript is turned off
  • Code built with SEO best practice in mind
  • PSDs included

6 different Galleries

Fullscreen:The Fullscreen Slider will adapt to the screen resolution of your visitors and other than other themes will perform very fluid transitions, even on large screens with resolutions of 2500 pixels and above.

Choose between Fading and Sliding animation. It is equipped with tooltip options, autoslider, play/pause function, pattern overlay for images and more

Masonry Grid: A lazy loading grid gallery that doesnt crop your pictures. As known from facebook it supports infinite scrolling, meaning if the user scrolls down more images are loaded. That wayyou can easily share huge amounts of images.

Inline Slideshow: Images are prepended to your Post without cropping. The Slideshow adjusts its height to fit the image ratio. In addition to the inline slider you can also choose to display the images in the background so users can switch between slideshows.

Inline Attached: Images are appended to your Post without cropping. The List of Images will display a smart tooltip with description and exif data on mouse hover. In addition to the images attached to the post you can also choose to display the images in the background so users can switch between slideshows.

Wordpress Default: The WordPress Defalt of embedding images is of course supported as well. Especially usefull if you want to display the Gallery somewehere between 2 content blocks since you can simply controll the output with the [gallery] shortcode.

Classic 3 Column: The classic 3 Column layout that should never be missed in any template ;D

The gallery managment is super easy and convenient. Just upload your images, select a gallery type and hit publish. Want to build a gallery with dozens of images in less than 2 minutes? This theme makes it possible :)

Choose from multiple options for each gallery: style, autortoation, image pattern overlays and more…

Colors, Fonts

The theme comes with a built in font selector in case you want to change the tone of your website by changing the font. You can also use choose between a light and a dark default skin and with the help of color selectors for links, background image and color (if in boxed layout) create a unique layout in a matter of seconds

Sidebars & Widgets

Bellow the fancy main menu in your themes sidebar you can add any number of widgets. You can choose to create widget areas that only appear on certain pages or posts if you wish to.

The theme also comes with built in extra widgets:

  • Recent News (recent news widget with post thumbnails)
  • Recent Portfolio entries (recent portfolio widget with post thumbnails)
  • Twitter (display latest tweets. also able to exclude @replies)
  • Twitter + RSS follower count (show your twitter follower count as well as your feedburner rss count)

Unobtrusive Javascript and Browser support

The theme works with unobtrusive javascript which degrades gracefully if the user browser doesnt support it. This means the layout will still be functional (dropdown menus for example) and the content accessible.

The theme supports all major browsers (firefox3,4,5,6+, IE7,IE8, IE9+, Safari, Opera Chrome)


Refer to the Shortcodes page for examples. You dont have to memorize those shortcodes and enter them by hand: a visual shortcode editor will guide you through that process. See a short demo Video here


Display your Projects well organized on portfolio pages so your visitors don’t get lost. You can set up any number of portfolio overview pages, portfolio entries and categories.

Video Tutorials

See here, a small collection on video tutorials that show you how some key aspects of the theme work

Support and Documentation

The theme comes with an extensive help file with videos to help you understand how it works. If you encounter any problems or have questions once you purchased the theme feel free to drop us a notice at http://www.kriesi.at/support

We have 4500 registered members that often help out faster than we can. Nevertheless you will always recieve a response from me or my support team. More than 25000 Posts show that we do care that your site works fine ;)

A short notice: The reasons I have chosen to use my own forum are quite simple:

  1. Themeforest support threads are not searchable. Since most questions are asked over and over again a searchable forum will greatly enhance your experience since the answer to your question might already be there.
  2. Second Reason: people can’t respond to each other at themeforest to help each other out, which often happens on the support forums.


Update: 2014 December 10 – Version 2.8.4

Fixes a small bug with the wordpress default gallery

2014 February 13th – Version 2.5
file style.css: updated version numberfolder config-woocommerce: updated for latest versionfolder framework:     - updated for wordpress 3.8 compatibility    - added updating option from the themes backend    - made php 5.4 compatible and removed warnings
2013 August 7th – Version 2.4.1
file style.css: updated version numberfolder js: added a workaround for a firefox canvas bug that killed the slider

2013 August 7th – Version 2.4

This release ensures wp 3.6 compatibility and fixes a few small issues across the board- Fixed several wordpress 3.6 related slider issues- Updated to latest framework version with all its performance improvements and bugfixes- added/fixed a lot of styling issues- removed default twitter widget due to twitters API change. - added support for Twitter Widget Pro: http://wordpress.org/plugins/twitter-widget-pro/- fixed a few woocommerce related issuesfiles to update:style.cssfunctions.phpcss/layout.cssfolder frameworkfolder jsfolder includesfolder woocommerce-config

2013 April 19th – Version 2.3

file style.css: updated version numberfile functions.php - bugfixfolder framework: several bug-fixes and improvementsfolder js: prettyphoto updatefolder config-woocommerce: many small update to make woocommerce faster and work fine with version 2.0.7folder includes: multiple small changes to fix several small issues

2013 04 03 – Version 2.2
file: style.css - updated version numberfile: header.php - fixed default css stylesheet callfolder: config-woocommerce: update all files for version 2.0 comapt    file: config-woocommerce/config.php - added new hooks filters and exchanged deprecated functions    file: config-woocommerce/woocommerce-mod.css - fixed a css issue on mobile devices, updated all classnames to the new .woocommerce- prefix     file: config-woocommerce/woocommerce-mod.js - added small script that removes input number fields and replaces them with input text, since the styling is horrible and unfixable on opera atmfolder framework: update to the latest version of the framework.
2013 02 11 – Version 2.1
file style.css: updated version numberfolder woocommerce-config Fixed some small woocommerce issuesfolder framework: updated to the latest version for minor improvementsfile: includes/admin/compat.php fixed slideshow bug
2013 01 24 – Version 2.0
ATTENTION:This update adds the long awaited improvement to the gallery manager. Before you update we recommend doing a database backup.As soon as you have updated all the files and open your admin backend a gallery conversion script will update your old galleries and convert them to work with the new manager.The backup might be useful in case anything goes wrong.file style.css: updated version number + added new styles for the [gallery] shortcodefunctions.php: includes config-wpml now, wordpress converter for newer better image gallerysincludes/helper-template-logic.php - small fix to work better with WPMLincludes/helper-slideshow.php - various changes so the slider works with the data structure of the new gallery managerincludes/admin/register-shortcodes.php - removed a filter function that was no longer neededincludes/admin/register-admin-metabox.php  - registers the new gallery manager to be used in your backendfolder js: several small improvementsadded folder: config-wpml: improved WPML compatibility.         If you have perviously installed the wpml plugin and everything is already working fine, you can circumvent the changes this new config folder adds         by removing the include(config-wpmp/config.php) call at the very top of the themes functions.php filefolder framework: several bugfixes and improvments        -since feedburners feedcount is no longer available the feature was removed from the widget        -updated the google maps widget to better work with https requests 
2012 10 30 – Version 1.9
  • FIles that changed:
  • Style.css – updated version number
  • folder: framework – update to the latest version
2012 08 09 – Version 1.8
  • FIles that changed:
  • Style.css – updated version number
  • folder: framework – update to the latest version
  • woocommerce:
  • woocommerce-config/woocommerce-mod.css

Version 1.7

  • Style.css – updated version number, added a fix for chrome 19 which let the sidebar flicker
  • folder: framework – update to the latest version
  • file: functions.php compatibility update for wordpress version 3.4 +
  • file: sidebar: added social icon hook
  • file: js/avia_fullscreen_slider.js modified the handling of sidebar and mini content boxes on mobile devices. since most mobile devices made problems using the CSS “fixed” layout those elements are now positioned “absolute” instead. looks a little less sophisticated on moble devices but the usability gain is huge :)
Version 1.6
  • updated Avia Framework to the latest version
  • fixed various minor css issues
  • improved sidebar logic for left and right sidebars
  • fullscreen slider pages can now start in slider mode (meaning sidebar and content is hidden when the user opens the page)
  • Fullscreen Gallery now supports Keyboard arrow key controls
Version 1.5
  • various woocommerce related bugfixes
Version 1.4
  • add support for the woocommerce shop plugin. you can now sell your pictures, graphics, logos and whatnot :)
  • blogpost image can now be shown bigger
  • fixed a few framework bugs and IE related errors
Version 1.3
  • Added the option to deactivate cropping in fullscreen galleries
  • fixed some css problems with dark skin
Version 1.1.2
  • Passwort protected posts/galleries are possible now
  • added a new left sidebar only widget area
  • improved menu flyout behavior
  • fixed a problem with copyright display of tooltips
  • fixed a problem with latest tweet display
  • fixed a problem with sidebar being no longer scrollable
Version 1.1.1
  • You can now add right sidebars, either globaly to all pages or to single pages only
  • New frontpage Template: Mini content area
  • New Portfolio Template: 3 Columns
  • New Gallery Template: 3 Columns
  • New Option: you can now enforce the default gallery as background if you dont want to display the gallery of the current entry
  • Fixed a bug with the masonry portfolio in conjunction with an open lightbox
  • fixed menu highlighting on portfolio subpages

External scripts and resources used:

  • lightbox plugin
  • Portions of Iconsweets2 Icon set
  • flickr creative commons library pictures by: cg, manu_h, mizrak, visualpanic, codyR, kretyen, mescon, obskura, freya23, amir K, Tambako the Jaguar, jaeWalk
  • Images by creattica & psdtuts+: All images are copyrighted to their respective owners and not available for download with this theme.
  • Kitesurfing Images by Mathias Schindler of We Love to Kite
  • Gorgeous Images by Colin Wojno: colindub.com

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