Sommerce Shop - A Versatile E-commerce Theme

Sommerce Shop - A Versatile E-commerce Theme

Sommerce is a fresh WordPress theme that utilises the powerful Woo Commerce plugins to create a versatile Wordpress powered shop, with unlimited layout options and unlimited skins. Make this theme your own.

Mix up content on the homepage with widgets and shortcodes, set the layout full width or boxed style, choose your background color or set one of the 60+ custom backgrounds, set your header color or choose one of the 10 custom header, chose your navigation style and change the style of your products.. a theme so versatile that you can customize it to suit your business by simply changing a few settings. With Sommerce you can sell everything!

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We provide support only through our support desk. Register yourself in our site, then active your theme in this page.

After this here you can find a “themes” section that contains the url of the sample data that you can download, a list of videotutorials availables and you can also open a ticket to get support.


  1. ecee:I bought the theme about a week ago, and now I have this site: I just stopped by here to tell what I think about the Sommerce theme and the service from the theme developers. It’s AWESOME ! I know I have many questions but they never get tired of answering questions and they are always kind and helpful – and they have quickly solved any question I have had. I have always gotten answers within 24 hours (they seem to answer about the same time every day so the time depends on when I’m asking the question). I have tried several themes and frameworks before, but I have never got this high level of service. They just solve everything, and they’re so nice. I really recommend this theme and the service you get! Thank you for all help and your quick, kind and professional way of handling all my questions! You are the best! A very happy customer!

  2. Smirle:Hello all, I have given Sommerce a 5-star rating, but I also wanted to provide my two cents in case anyone is unsure about purchasing this theme. Not only is the theme itself very versatile and easy to manipulate, but the support we get in the Sommerce forum is amazing – the developers are very, very quick to respond to issues. It’s a great theme and I would strongly recommend it. My site is: :)

  3. Cerilia: I’ve been working on this theme now for over 3 months, its a real joy. The support is second to none and is always dealt with same or following day. The devs of Sommerce are always friendly and go that extra mile with help, often walking through advice or supplying the correct code/files. A clear 5 Star theme!

  4. retrovertigo: This is a fantastic theme and to make it even better the support is excellent. Every question I have asked has been answered quickly with a successful outcome. Highly recommended.

  5. cifero: Fantastic theme: working perfectly, frequently updated, and well configurable with a first-class customer support. You can not get much better than that around!5 star rating.

  6. auhndt: This Sommerce Theme is the best theme by far on ThemeForest for a Commerce based shop. Highly customizable and GREAT support. Top notch!

  7. mrmikeman: I have no had much experience with paid themes. But I will tell you, the Creators of Sommerce theme not only have attractive products. But they have great customer service on their Forums. Rarely do I wait 24 hours before I get a response. I give them an A+ Above and Beyond. Thank You Sommerce Team

  8. mrmikeman: I have had repeat bad experience with Envato Network Author Support. However Sommerce and the Support Provided is EXCELLENT ! I want to thank you guys AGAIN for your support, it is very good and I want you to know I appreciate it a lot. It allows me to accomplish my goals for my website. I am VERY happy with the Sommerce Theme and the support provided by you guys. I recommend to anyone looking for a theme with good support to chose a theme from this Author. If the Style fits your needs, then you wont go wrong with with @Sara_P Thank you 1 million times for your efforts!

  9. deanolegg: This theme and the support is second to none. Easy to use theme and if you have any trouble you can be sure they will help you. Keep up the good work!

  10. basiadesign: We’re really enjoying the Sommerce theme. It is elegant and easy to use. And we especially appreciate how responsive the support for the theme is. Without having a developer on our team, we have to rely on the Sommerce support for troubleshooting and so far, it’s been working like a charm :) Thank you!

  11. jconnett: Just a little feedback on this theme: IT’S AWESOME !, incredible support and really easy to use :) 5 stars! Thanks!

  12. davidREnglet: I just wanted to say that the support I have received from Sara has been awesome! I have finished my first eCommerce site using the Sommerce theme and am beginning another one today and will be purchasing Sommerce once again. With support this good I won’t be looking anywhere else! The Sommerce theme is excellent too. Thanks Sara!

  13. Paul Ruine:Just wanted to say thanks for the great work. I have had a few issues since purchasing this theme but this is always the case with every theme due to the many variables. The support I have received has been brilliant and every single problem that has been reported has been addressed. I am now only days from launching my site and couldn’t be happier. Thanks again.

  14. Castile:..Let me add my compliments on this beautiful theme to the many others that I have read posted here. I had no idea that something as good as this even existed. To the author: You are not just a great programmer, you are a truly talented artist. Thank you for sharing your creations.

  15. CastQued:You don’t know it, but you’re helping me make a dream come true. This site is very important to me. With your support, it is becoming exactly what I wanted it to be. You just can’t do better than that. :)

  16. Joshbond:I purchased this theme and I really like it. The theme authors have been very helpful in the support area of their website. Would definitely recommend to anyone needing an e-commerce solution for Wordpress.

  17. TimMarland:I just wanted to say I really enjoyed working with this theme. I must say I was really impressed. Thank you.

  18. JaimeeMaree: You are an absolute superstar. Thanks a lot for your help! Will definitely be recommending they go with this theme now! :)

  19. ElJewelery: I must to say that I am very impressed by your forum and support. I have had experiences with other WordPress e-commerce delvelopers. Once purchased their themes, the support is very awful and it makes me want to report them. Your ecommerce theme has just came out of market. In time, I think you will be doing very well. I decided on your theme because I checked the support first. I thought, you respond to everyone’s emails and questions. I can not go wrong with your theme. As you know. I ask a lot of questions for a newbie. The other thing, after I purchased your theme. I was very happy to see there are video tutorial. That was a big plus. It was not mentioned in So setting up a shop is less confusing for me. THANK YOU.

  20. Lazybear: Thanks for all the help with the setup of this theme! It’s a fantastic design, and really easy to customise. :-)

  21. Fredromano:...Your support is AMAZING!!!

  22. Ricci_gdf:Thats a real good, professional and user-friendly eCommerce theme for WordPress.

  23. Jronc:Just started building my eCommerce site with your theme that ipurchased. You did a great job designing this and it works great out of the box. Very well thought through. Do you have any other themes for sale? I’m a fan!

  24. Leyte: I just wanted to add to the list of recommendations you have received so far. I bought this theme last week and it has turned out to be the best theme I’ve bought from Themeforest. For anyone thinking about buying it but unsure – Buy it!

  25. Urbanrose: I LOVE THE CUSTOMER SERVICE! I purchased this theme about a week ago and have been trying to upload it onto my wordPress in vain. I joined the forum and posted my issue on it the same day, I received an answer the next day. I am a novice and do not know anything about how to make a website, thankfully the author was very nice and helped me through my issues. After multiple attempts I figured out the issue and it was not related to the theme. I am really satisfied with the customer service. I just have to figure out the theme on my own now, but I know that if I have any issue customer service will be able to help me. I surely recommend this theme.

Updates history

VER 3.0.7 – 04/04/2016

  • Added: WooCommerce 2.5.5 support
  • Fixed: WooCommerce checkout URL function

VER 3.0.6 – 11/02/2016

  • Added: WordPress 4.4.2 support
  • Added: WooCommerce 2.5.2 support
  • Fixed: Add or change single slide on slider does not work

VER 3.0.5 – 25/01/2016

  • Added: WordPress 4.4.1 support
  • Added: WooCommerce 2.5.0 support
  • Added: WooCommerce 2.4.13 support
  • Fixed: Pagination issue when blog is on Home Page

VER 3.0.4 – 02/12/2015

  • Added: WooCommerce 2.4.10 support
  • Added: YITH Essential Kit support for WooCommerce #1
  • Added: WordPress Title Tag support
  • Added: Support to Wordpress favicon system( Site Identity )
  • Fixed: Category selection in for “items” shortcode

VER 3.0.3 – 25/08/2015

  • Added: Compatibility with WordPress 4.3.x
  • Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce 2.4.5
  • Removed: Wpml deprecated function

VER 3.0.2 – 01/07/2015

  • Added: support to WooCommerce 2.3.11
  • Added: YITH WooCommerce Advanced Review support
  • Updated: PrettyPhoto to 3.1.6 – latest stable and secure version
  • Fixed: Items calculation issue on mini cart

VER 3.0.1 – 05/06/2015

  • Added: Wordpress 4.2.1 support
  • Added: support to WooCommerce 2.3.8
  • Fixed: Testimonial widget slider error on easing option
  • Fixed: Wp security issue
  • Fixed: Jigoshop my-account link option

VER 3.0.0 – 02/12/2015

  • Added: Woocommerce 2.3.2 support
  • Added: Yith Woocommerce Wishlist 2.0

VER 2.9.3 – 11/28/2014

  • Added: Woocommerce 2.2.8 support
  • Added: Action after the main nav menu, the action is named ‘yiw_after_main_nav’
  • Fixed: Contact form lose field values after submit if there are errors
  • Fixed: Dropdown tabs on nav menu
  • Fixed: Testimonial widget issue if used in conjunction with prettyPhoto
  • Fixed: Probably Warning in header sliders when wpml is active
  • Fixed: Comments can’t be closed in single post

VER 2.9.2 – 10/14/2014

  • Added: support to WooCommerce 2.2.6
  • Fixed: Incorrect handle for google fonts during enqueue
  • Fixed: YIW links problem

VER 2.9.1 – 09/17/2014

  • Added: Woocommerce 2.2.3 support

VER 2.9.0 – September 09, 2014

  • Fixed: Sample Data file
  • Fixed: ‘yiw’ Text domain
  • Fixed: Double spinner for number field on Firefox
  • Fixed: Send email vulnerability issue, an user had ability to upload arbitrary file on uploads directory
  • Fixed: Php code output on grouped products
  • Fixed: Incorrect text domain for woocommerce translation strings.
  • Fixed: woocommerce.php will be included even if the plugin directory is not named woocommerce
  • Fixed: Yith Magnifier slider compatibility
  • Fixed: Tabs label was not transalted
  • Fixed: function ie version detect
  • Fixed: Google Rich Snippet review date format
  • Fixed: Table Cart total bad layout
  • Fixed: Text of widget “Text Image” was not translated by wpml
  • Fixed: Labels “item” and “items” were not traslated by wpml on minicart
  • Fixed: Sub menu under the product image on single product page
  • Added: Yith Wishlist compatibility
  • Added: Checkout Redirect options
  • Added: Option on general settings thet allow user to disable the “WP admin bar”
  • Added: Google Recaptcha System
  • Added: Support to WooCommerce 2.1.12
  • Added: Compatibility with Jigoshop 1.9.4
  • Added: Related products number and columns on single product page now affect up-sells product
  • Removed: Tags custom post types from wpml-config.xml

VER 2.8.0 – Apr 17, 2014

  1. Added: support to WordPress 3.9
  2. Added: support to WooCommerce 2.1.7
  3. Fixed: grouped product template

VER 2.7.1 – Mar 26, 2014

  1. Added: supoort to Woocommerce 2.1.5
  2. Fixed: Checkbox on contact form page
  3. Fixed: Lightbox image navigation
  4. Fixed: Add to cart for grouped product
  5. Fixed: ‘yit’ Text domain

VER 2.7.0 – Feb 21, 2014

  1. Added: support to Woocommerce 2.1.x

VER 2.6.0 – Dec 30, 2013

  1. Added: support to WP 3.8
  2. Fixed: Error with Last tweets widget. Replaced user name with user id

VER 2.5.3 – Aug 02, 2013

  1. Added: Menu support for more than 3 levels
  2. Added: support with Wordpress 3.6
  3. Fixed: Fixed image on mobile with the nivo slider enabled
  4. Fixed: 3rd submenu position
  5. Fixed: Blog meta height
  6. Fixed: Sale badge on variable products
  7. Fixed: Notifier cache fix
  8. Fixed: Warning on 404 page
  9. Fixed: Last tweets widget, error on multiple lines

Ver 2.5.2 – Jul 02, 2013

  • Added: Menu support for more than 3 levels
  • Added: wpml-config.xml
  • Added: confirm message when you want install the sample data
  • Added: select menu option on responsive mode
  • Added: custom.css
  • Added: global options for Twitter API
  • Updated: Twitter widget and shortcode now work with new API
  • Updated: languages file
  • Updated: child folder
  • Fixed: WooCommerce shop page title
  • Fixed: title position on the search page without results
  • Fixed: Sale badge everywhere with WooCommerce 2.0.10
  • Fixed: spelling error in page 404
  • Fixed: 404 localization issue
  • Fixed: “ADDED” is now translation ready
  • Fixed: Footer widgets on mobiles
  • Fixed: String domains
  • Fixed: Error in archive-product.php
  • Fixed: JigoShop function to get image sizes

  • Ver 2.5.1 – March 20, 2013

  • Added: Options to use theme filters for related products ( Theme Options > General > Shop )
  • Added: Shortcodes rating [rating id=”product_id”]
  • Fixed: Variations hidden for some products
  • Fixed: Bugs in the widget WooCommerce Cart

  • Ver 2.5 – March 12, 2013

    1. Added: Woocommerce 2.0 support

    Ver 2.4.2 – Jan 16, 2013

    1. Added: attribute target to [read_more]
    2. Added: Support for more than 3 menu levels
    3. Fixed: typography option for the menu font
    4. Fixed: HTML fix in the footer
    5. Fixed: WP 3.5 issues
    6. Fixed: Theme Options improved

    Ver 2.4.1 – Jul 29

    1. Fixed: bugs in the buttons color, when jigoshop is installed
    2. Fixed: layout width in the single product page, where there is the sidebar
    3. Fixed: wrong position of description in categories pages
    4. Fixed: style of the categories list in shop page
    5. Fixed: bug in the layout of the up-sells section

    Ver 2.3.1 – Jul, 04

    1. Fixed: slider gone in the shop pages
    2. Fixed: password protect feature in blog page
    3. Fixed: ability to remove the pingbacks and trackbacks from the post comments
    4. Fixed: sorting dropdown shown in single product pages
    5. Fixed: bad images alignment of the product shop pages layout
    6. Fixed: little bug when the responsive is active, in the stretched layout
    7. Added: target attribute in the shortcode [newsletter_form]
    8. Added: ability to change the slider thumbnails size

    Ver 2.3 – Jun, 15

    1. Fixed: no responsive layout bug
    2. Fixed: notices with new wordpress 3.4
    3. Fixed: bug with almost all categories widget
    4. Fixed: bug with sliders when the theme is installed in a windows server
    5. Fixed: localization of theme options panel
    6. Fixed: bug in footer in shop pages
    7. Fixed: removed sorting dropdown in some shop shortcodes of woocommerce plugin
    8. Fixed: price filters link in menu, that weren’t working without the price filter widget of woocommerce
    9. Fixed: otpions to show or hide the price and add to cart button in single products page
    10. Fixed: shop templates of woocommerce pages

    Ver 2.2.1 – May, 03

    • Fixed: layout structure with woocommerce
    • Fixed: position of sale icon in the products
    • Fixed: sidebar in iPad was hidden

    Ver 2.2

    • Added: now the theme is RESPONSIVE!
    • Added: new option to choose what layout to use in the product details page
    • Added: style to variations in the products
    • Updated: theme options, leaving opened the last section after saving changes
    • Updated: languages files
    • Fixed: option to change the active state of links of creative navigation
    • Fixed: ajax refreshing of cart widget, after add to cart of products
    • Fixed: option to change the intervall of thumbnails slider
    • Fixed: bug with sliders
    • Fixed: fatal error with bad retrieving of theme widgets from files
    • Fixed: bug with tabs

    Ver 2.1.1 March 12

    • Fixed: brackets parsing in the newsletter shortocode and widget
    • Fixed: bugs with checkout page
    • Fixed: template for the blog page, when it is set in reading settings
    • Fixed: fatal error Call-time pass-by-reference shown
    • Fixed: bugs with product image size
    • Fixed: bugs with title position, in the products thumbnail when the title is inside of it
    • Added: ability to change the navigation font size, by typography admin page
    • Added: prevent the attachment link instead of image url, in the slider images
    • Updated: child theme with the new fixes of shop pages
    • Updated: languages sources
    • Removed: sorting.php file, that generated a conflict with the “order by” select in the products list

    Ver 2.1 February 20

    • Fixed: parsing html and shortcode inside the columns shortcodes
    • Fixed: the shortcodes [items] and [add_to_cart] for WooCommerce plugin
    • Fixed: the description in category pages for the products
    • Added: ability to add link to [section] shortcode, by using the attribute “link=”
    • Added: the attribute “target=” in the [url] shortcode
    • Updated: the functions for the button “add_to_cart” accorging to the last versions of Jigoshop, for the different product types.

    Ver. 2.0 February 14

    • Added: compatibility with WOOCOMMERCE plugin
    • Added: shortcode best sellers
    • Fixed: some warnings shown in the import/export page for some servers
    • Fixed: duplication in related products
    • Fixed: shortcode for quick contact box
    • Fixed: searchform for blog page
    • Fixed: the default value of options for showing elements in products list
    • Fixed: position of description in the product detail page, when the price is not shown

    Ver. 1.3 December 30

    1. Added: compatibility with version 3.3 of wordpress
    2. Added: the style of jigoshop in the theme child
    3. Added: order attributes in the shortcodes [yiw_last_products] and [yiw_featured_products]
    4. Fixed: various bugs
    5. Fixed: layout setting for the page, when there isn’t the jigoshop plugin installed
    6. Fixed: bug with contact forms
    7. Fixed: parsing of list shortcodes
    8. Fixed: textdomain of some files
    9. Updated: improved way how wordpress parse the shortcode in the page or post editor
    10. Updated: language files
    11. Updated: the importer of the theme, for sample data

    Ver. 1.2 Oct 19

    1. Fixed: hidden fields on newsletter form, above the footer
    2. Fixed: some bugs
    3. Fixed: the final dash in the top links bar.
    4. Fixed: Theme Options menu in the admin bar, for the not administrator user
    5. Fixed: search form in header, for the shop and not for standard posts.
    6. Fixed: titles for the sliders.
    7. Fixed: the google analytics code in the footer
    8. Added: new option to choose the font for the navigation items.
    9. Added: menu for the centered footer.
    10. Added: new option to change the url of the logo in the login page.
    11. Added: the https schema of some url.
    12. Improved: the way to retrieve the layout of each page

    Ver. 1.1.1 Sep 19

    1. Fixed: background opacity on captions of the elegant slider, on IE8 browsers.
    2. Fixed: box “Info” on slider flash, when there isn’t any content inside.
    3. Fixed: the shortcodes inside the [tab] shortcode.
    4. Added: new two credit cards: “bank-check” and “discover”.
    5. Added: new option to change the logo in the login page.
    6. Added: new standard font “Century Gothic”.
    7. Added: new option to change the content wrapper background, in the boxed layout.

    Ver. 1.1 – Sep 15

    1. Fixed some bugs
    2. Updated languages files
    3. Fixed bug with Import/Export panel
    4. Added new option to hide the prices and buttons for detail products and to make the theme as normal catalog.
    5. Improved style of variations (for jigoshop 0.9.9)


    6 Home page sliders

    • Elegant slider: An elegant slideshow to display images and text;
    • Cycle Slider: to show text and images or text and videos in a nice way;
    • Nivo Slider: a classic jQuery slideshow with a lot of different transitions;
    • Rotating Slider: a original jQuery slideshow to show different panels;
    • Flash Slider: a creative flash slider;
    • Awkward slideshow: an amazing slider, with thumbnails and tooltips!

    Choose Your fonts & Colors

    • Over 200 Google fonts;
    • 20 Cufon fonts;
    • Set font and size for titles, slogan, body text and more;
    • Unlimited combinations of colors
    • Bg images uploader

    Shop Features

    • Multiple images for your product
    • Multiple payment options
    • Supports Tax
    • User accounts and order tracking
    • Shipping Options
    • Shortcodes for featured products, recent products, best sellers and general products (you can set how many items to show, how many columns and the type of order)
    • Detail page of the product with related products, ratings and description tab
    • Megamenu features with the ‘Shopping by Price, Categories and Brand’ function (very useful features and used in all e-commerce sites!)
    • Customize your product’s thumbnails: colors, borders, shadow, turn on/off add to cart and detail buttons, edit colors, choose if display the name of the product inside or under the thumbnail,....and more!
    • much more..

    General features

    • Layout boxed or stretched style
    • Extensive Admin Panel
    • 960 grid system layout
    • Unobtrusive Menu: it Works also if JavaScript is disabled
    • 2 navigation menu styles: tabbed or minimal
    • Unlimited background color + 60+ custom backgrounds
    • Unlimited header color + 10 custom headers
    • 8 custom widgets
    • Custom post type for testimonials and faqs
    • Unlimited sidebars
    • 2 different blog styles: big or small image
    • Unlimited contact forms with javascript error control
    • Translation-ready theme
    • Shortcode
      • Typography: quote, columns, list styles, dropcap & more
      • Elements: alert boxes, buttons, tables, toggles, tabs, prices tables & more
      • Media: sliders, galleries, videos
      • & more
    • PrettyPhoto (really nice Lightbox clone)
    • Video tutorials: how to set ALL the theme
    • Blog page + thread comments
    • Well Documented
    • HTML File support

    Screencast Theme Support

    Customize your theme easily with our videotutorials.


  • Buttons:
  • jQuery
  • Nivo Slider
  • Piecemaker Flash slider: piecemaker
  • Awkward slideshow:
  • Google Fonts: Webfonts with Google fonts</>
  • Cufon
    • Quicksand font
    • Champagne e Limousines font
    • Lobster font
    • Days font
    • Yanone Kaffeesatz font
    • Bebas
    • Waukegan
    • Dustismo
    • Folks
    • Reklame Script
    • Nilland
    • Merge
    • Delicious Font
    • League Gothic
    • Chunk Five
  • PrettyPhoto
  • Rohan Mehta – Wordpress Admin Options
  • JCarousel by
  • Wordpress Page Navi
  • Flickr RSS plugin:
  • Related Posts :