Superb is the result of more than 5 months of our work and we think it combines a lot of essential features that are to be expected from modern wordpress theme. Here are just some highlights:
Unlimited colors with dynamically colorized images
5 plugins included
80+ shortcodes with visual UI manager
Attention to detail
Feature list
Unlimited color options with dynamically colorized imagesAdvanced Theme InstallerUpdate notificationLocalization SupportInformative 404 pageAll new admin interfaceLocalizationBillboard optionsContact info widget/shortcodeSitemapTheme InstallerOptional Tagline displayUnlimited color optionsDynamically colorized imagesCustom FaviconGoogle Analytics integrationBlog Sidebar AlignmentOptional Author Box in Blog entriesCustom header logoCustom footer logoConfigurable Footer SidebarsFooter Copyright settingsSocial networks integrationBuilt-in maintenance/under construction pageuAd ads management pluginTimthumb integrationCustom comments templateLightbox integrationDeep Flickr/Twitter integration WP3 .0 Nav Menus supportPer page sidebar configurationUnlimited sidebar optionsCustom page TaglineBuilt-in portfolio custom post type4 different portfolio layout optionsMultiple portfolio categories support80+ useful shortcodesWordpress Admin TinyMCE Shortcode integrationuBillboard, with multiple billboards integrationuContact, (custom contact forms) integrationuPricing integration6 custom WidgetsCarefully hand-tuned for maximum performancePixel-perfect designand many more features that are simply impossible to list out…Support
Please use our support forums at http://udesignstudios.net/support
- v1.0.3 – Mar 30 2011
- Fixed Breadcrumbs character not working properly
- Fixed Google Maps Rounding issue
- Fixed Contact info widget telephone issue
- Other minor fixes
- v1.0.2 – Mar 5 2011
- Added Facnybox support to WP Gallery
- Improved Portfolio breadcrumb support
- Other minor fixes
- Supported Wordpress versions: 3.0, 3.1
- PHP Version: PHP 5 , with GD (required by unlimited color options)
- Write permissions for the cache folder
- Supported Browsers: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, IE8 , IE7
- uContact can not be used in sidebars with reCaptcha
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