Corporated HTML

Corporated HTML

Update, prettyPhoto XSS fix

Update, Nov 22

  • Fix: CSS – Form button 1px fix across all browsers.
  • Fix: CSS – Sidebar fix, added min-height values.
  • Add: JS font file suplement charser for diff. latin languages.

Corporated is a light, easy to configure and modify theme.Features 2 main styles, bordered and not bordered, 6 color options, 3 homepage layouts, each with a 2nd alternative.

Pages included in the theme : 6 homepage layouts, about-us, customer-quotes, faq, 2 gallery pages, blank elements page, blog page, blog post page, request a quote & contact page.


You choose wich page’s layout you want to build on. Homepage layouts feature jquery powered sliders Nivo and Cycle, and an custom accordion Slider. Along the standard code customized in this theme, provided are a few codes, scripts and css that will make your customizing easyer like data tables, tabs, faq accordion and graph chart script for piecharts and graphs, gallery with prettyPhoto and more.

Package also Contains Simple Modular PHP version, Easyer to manage, and Edit.

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