Moderna HTML Template - Web, Software, Hosting

Moderna HTML Template - Web, Software, Hosting
WordPress version of the theme is also done.
You can see the demo here:
If you are interested for the theme, please contact us directly at
Moderna HTML Template is clean, minimal, modern and organized looking theme for your business, your personal portfolio or to provide your client with an efficient internet solution.

Ideal for any kind of business, such as for Hosting or Software companies, Architecture studios, Industry websites, Lifestyle or Online Entertainment, Hotel or Health Spa websites and many other possibilities…

This template contains home page, about us page, service page, portfolio page and contact us page. No commercial fonts used in this template means no additional editing cost.

Included elements:

- xhtml templates – 5 files
- 5 .psd files that are sliced
- 5 .jpeg preview files
- jQuery efects
- mail.php file

This Template includes:

* Custom re-sizeable elements
* Easy and customizable Photoshop files
* Fully descriptive html and css files
Unique Design


- Eurofurence (not included, you can download for free:
- Arial (Websafe)

Technical details:

- Help file included
- There are two icon sets, one is “Crystal_Clear set” second are “Social Icon Sets” . Both are are free for commercial use.
- layered .psd for each page included, well organized, fully scalable (everything is done with SmartObject), easy to customize and ready to slice
- preview .jpg for each page and subpage
- Background width: Resizible to 100%
- Layout width: 960px, Fixed


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