Innova Construct - Business, Portfolio, Blog

Innova Construct - Business, Portfolio, Blog

Innova Construct is a clean, simple, yet attractive and highly custumizable theme that can be used for business, portfolio, blogs, personal sites, etc.
It comes with a variety of different skins to illustrate it’s grade of custumization, all this being done in a simple manner by changing a single css file. There are 8 different pages(homepage, about, services, news archive, blog item list, blog item detail, portfolio gallery and contact). The theme contains 7 different skins, you can see the preview for 3 of them here:

Have a look at screenshots to make yourself an idea about the rest of the skins included in the package.


  • 8 different pages with 7 highly polished skins
  • Valid XHTML Strict1.0 and CSS 2 .1, tableless design, semantically coded and seo friendly
  • jquery cycle slider on homepage
  • jquery dropdown menu with submenu
  • jquery lightbox
  • a very nice designed services page with option to show and hide different parts of content – see demo
  • scalable and refined css buttons for both normal links and input fields
  • ie6 png fix
  • all psds used for making this theme are included in the package with easy switch between themes via layer comps
  • working contact page with jquery and php validation
  • detailed documentation
  • browser compatibility (IE6, IE7 , IE8, Firefox, Safari, Chrome)

Golden Works

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