Coffee Junkie

Coffee Junkie

Available as XHTML/CSS Template here

Available as WordPress Theme here

Coffee Junkie – a modern single page layout!

“Coffee Junie” is a clean, modern and minimalistic layout, designed to promote anything from your personal portfolio website through to a design studios website.

The fonts used in this file are “Aller Sans” and “Verdana”. You can download them both for free, but I think “Verdana” is almost standard on every system.

The “Coffee Junkie” layout comes as a single page layout but includes layouts for following sites: a homepage, a about me page, a portfolio page and of course a contact-page. The content-structure is very very very easy, so you can quickly expand the layout or add some additional pages if you need them.

All in all it also should be easy to code for every developer.

NOTE: The coffee-cup icon is by VisualPharm and free to use BUT YOU MUST GIVE A LINK BACK:


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