

A dark version is now included ! Perfect for Mac OS or iPhone apps, or any other kind of apps really.

Platinum is a clean template to showcase your product, service, or application. It comes with 6 different pages, including log in and sign up forms, and a blog.

Take a look at the full list of features:


  • Home
  • Blog
  • Tour
  • Sign up
  • Log in
  • Contact (with working contact form)


  • Layered photoshop file with layers grouped together
  • PSD features a bonus dark version of the theme
  • Separate files for stretchable elements and CSS sprites
    • Tabs
    • Comments indicator background
    • Buttons
    • Main content zone
  • Clean color scheme with clear hierarchy of content
  • Call to action buttons that stand out
  • Uses the free Financial Icons from the Fresh set. You get 60 icons to choose from for free, plus 260 more if you buy the full set, or you can easily substitute any other icon set.

CSS & Layout

  • All text fully editable in the HTML code ! No need to re-export anything !
  • Uses CSS Sprites for faster loading
  • Transparent PNGs let you easily change background colors and they even work in IE 6
  • All tabs and content areas have flexible widths and stretchable backgrounds
  • Uses a grid layout based on the Blueprint CSS framework which lets you easily change the width of any column or even the total width of the layout


  • Tabs on the front page for easy access to important info
  • Uses the jQuery javascript library
  • Front page slideshow using the jQuery Cycle plugin which lets you use a number of different transitions (fade, slide, etc.)


  • Working contact form with both AJAX and PHP validation

What makes this template special is that it can be adapted to work with multiple types of websites:

Online service website

Typically, if you have an online service of any kind, your main goal is to get users to register. You can use a screenshot of your application on the front page, or any other illustration that explains your service. The tabs can be used to introduce your service, or give a step by step presentation. The green button would be “sign up”, and you can remove the “download” tab.

Application website

Here, you don’t want your visitors to register, but instead to download your application. Don’t worry, Platinum is flexible enough to accommodate your needs. Just replace the “sign up” button by “download latest version”. The “download” tab can be used to give more detailed download options.

And don’t forget to hook up the “blog” template to your favorite CMS to keep users posted !

Portfolio website

Yep, Platinum can even make a great portfolio. Put in a slideshow of your latest work instead of screenshots of an application, and you’re well on your way to a kick-ass portfolio. The tabs can be used to explain more about your work, services, or background. Just replace the “sign up” text by “contact me” and put in a link to the existing contact page (did I mention the form fully works with both AJAX and PHP validation ?).

But how will you showcase your work ? Easy, just take the “tour” page and replace the video by a large screenshot of your latest masterpiece.

Setting up the slideshow

Here’s an alternative home page demo to show you how easy it is to modify the slideshow.

In home.html, just locate the cycle() function on line 41 and change its “fx” option to any one of the effects on this page:

That’s it !

want to see more of my work ?

Site templates

Admin panels

Shopify themes

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