PIXELLE is a refreshing, professional and modern website template which is perfectly suited towards professional photography firms or individuals. It has support for multiple galleries (e.g. Cities gallery) and an integrated slideshow (e.g. on the homepage). All enhanced galleries and slideshows within this template are unobtrusively coded and degrade gracefully meaning each user can have a pleasant experience whatever their browser’s capabilities!

Key features:

  • A slideshow which can be integrated within any page.
  • Individual gallery pages with ‘Flash-quality’ effects.
  • Completely expandable – a limitless amount of galleries can be added and a you can add as many images as you want within each gallery!
  • Comes with exhaustive documentation and an FAQ!


  • The template is unobtrusively coded, everything degrades gracefully.
  • Works flawlessly in Firefox 2, Firefox 3, Safari, Chrome, IE6, IE7, Opera 9.5!
  • This template does not require JavaScript for the user to see the galleries, but for the enhanced version (with controls / sliding thumbnails) the user will have to have JavaScript available to them. (this is true for all sites of this type).

Have fun with this template! It’s so easy to modify and the documentation is second to none! :)

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