Wood Business Template

Wood Business Template

This theme is a modern business template that can easily be customized to your needs. It’s loaded with some great jQuery.

This is what you get if you purchase:

- 5 pages complete with heading, links, lists, search field
- CSS alert messages, very neat for giving users message in the contact form for example
- Pop-up contact form when post-it is clicked
- JQUERY: Sliding images on main page
- JQUERY: IE6 PNG Fix – Fixes PNG images for IE6
- JQUERY: Form validator – checks that all inputs (you select) are filled, plus email validation and much more
- JQUERY: Facebox, pop-up image viewer and contact form
- JQUERY: Textarea resizer – users can resize the texarea on-the-fly

Valid XHTML and is testes in IE6 and 7, Firefox 3 and Safari.