Relish is a elegant multipurpose PSD-template suitable for a wide variety of businesses.It makes the template applicable for Spa salons, Hotels, Vocation sites, personal blog or any other elegant type of sites.
Key Features:
- Fresh and Elegant design
- Fully customizable
- Three Different Homepage Layouts
- Reservation form
- Shop pages included
- 29 PSD files
- Google web font
- All vector shaped
- Free logo usage
List of PSD-files:
- 01_home.psd
- 02_home.psd
- 03_home.psd
- about.psd
- blog_blog_post.psd
- blog_default.psd
- blog_fullwidth.psd
- blog_three_columns.psd
- blog_two_columns.psd
- contact.psd
- gallery_filter.psd
- gallery_fullwidth.psd
- gallery_one_column.psd
- gallery_right_sidebar.psd
- gallery_three_column.psd
- gallery_two_column.psd
- gallery_with_thumbs_line.psd
- mobile_menu.psd
- pricing_tables.psd
- reservation.psd
- services.psd
- shop_checkout.psd
- shop_product_list.psd
- shop_single_product.psd
- shop_cart.psd
- shortcodes.psd
- sticky_menu.psd
- team.psd
- typography.psd
Thank you!
Please note:Images are NOT included in the download files.
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Thank you!
Sources and Credits
- Titillium+WebTitillium+Web [google font]
- Philosopher Philosopher [google font]
- Bilbo+Swash+Caps Bilbo+Swash+Caps [google font]</>