iPhone App Development With Swift

iPhone App Development With Swift

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Course Description

Whether you are a seasoned iOS developer or just getting started, it pays to learn how to use the Swift programming language for your next app. Swift is the future of application development for Apple platforms, and this course is the perfect way to get started.

In this course you will learn how to use Swift to build an iPhone app from scratch. You’ll learn the basic concepts behind creating any iPhone app with Swift, and then you’ll build a simple app to practice your skills.

What You’ll Learn

  • Work step by step to build a news reader app that will take a feed URL from the user, parse the data, and present the data in a logical fashion.
  • Design a storyboard and create the basic layout for your app.
  • Create models and a parser to process data.
  • Build the user interface, including forms to allow users to add their own feeds.
  • Understand the concept of Core Data and use it in building the app.

This course uses Swift 1.1 which is not the most recent version. Since the release of Swift 1.2, the code as presented in the videos may not compile. Refer to the GitHub repository for this course for minor updates to the code for compatibility with Swift 1.2.

About the Instructor

Derek Jensen is a lifetime nerd who calls the Chicagoland area home. His day job consists of writing highly transactional back-end web services, data access layers, and n-tier applications using the .NET Framework in C#. You can check out his website, follow him on Twitter, and see his profile on GitHub.

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