Game Development With Swift and SpriteKit

Game Development With Swift and SpriteKit

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Course Description

If you are anything like me, you were probably interested in computer games when you were younger. I can still remember spending a lot of time wondering how these games were made and dreaming about one day becoming a game developer. So I got into software development. Well, years went by and I found myself doing more and more enterprise-style applications, but always wondering what it would be like to get back to what made me interested in computers in the first place. Well, if you were like me, this is your chance. In this course we are going to reignite that passion for games by learning the basics of iOS game development with SpriteKit.

What You’ll Learn

  • The full process of creating a simple SpriteKit game using the appropriate template.
  • How to add gravity, introduce multiple bodies, handle touch, and detect collisions.
  • Create the game world and add the elements of a simple Breakout-style game.
  • How to define when the user has won or lost, and restart the game.
  • Learn a new trick that gives you more control over the way that things move: the game loop.

This courses uses Xcode 6 and Swift 1.

About the Instructor

Derek Jensen is a lifetime nerd who calls the Chicagoland area home. His day job consists of writing highly transactional back-end web services, data access layers, and n-tier applications using the .NET Framework in C#. You can check out his website, follow him on Twitter, and see his profile on GitHub.

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