Vina Stepre - Multipurpose Joomla Virtuemart Template

Vina Stepre - Multipurpose Joomla Virtuemart Template

Vina Stepre – Multipurpose Joomla Virtuemart Template

Vina Stepre is a gorgeous, modern Joomla Template which perfectly fits for any e-commerce website. This is done with the help of one of the most popular Joomla eCommerce solution – VirtueMart 3 (Built with the experience of more than 10 years VirtueMart 3 provides you with a powerful and comprehensive eCommerce solution). We could say that their newest release, which is featured on this template as well, is simply awesome. Here are some features of this template: clean design and responsive layout, Helix 3 Framework which includes Bootstrap 3 & LESS, Mega Menu and off-canvas menu, 5 Unique Home Layout, multi-languages and multi currency, AJAX product filter, price filter, AJAX drop-down shopping cart, product scroller, product ticker, extended documentation and much more…

But that’s not all. Aside from just looking beautifully polished and clean design, it comes packed with features and options, supports RTL Language, Google Fonts support, Drag & Drop Layout Builder, SP Page Builder (save $34) AND 7 popular Joomla 3.x Extensions from Vina Product Carousel for Virtuemart, Vina Manufacturers Carousel for Virtuemart, Vina Treeview for VirtueMart, Vina Article Carousel, Vina Vertical News Ticker, Vina Treeview for Menus and Vina Vertical Scroller for Twitter. It’s easily configured various modules positions and a lot other best and selected extensions help you to develop your site in no time.

In case you next project requires an easy to use Premium Template and a robust eCommerce system, look no further. Vina Stepre is ready for you.

Main Features:

  1. Responsive Design: This means that you only need one template for the desktop, iPad, iPhone and other mobile devices.
  2. 5 Home Page Layout: Vina Stepre comes with 3 beautiful home page for online shop, that’s easily fits for any kind online shop.
  3. Fully Support VirtueMart 3: Built with the experience of more than 10 years VirtueMart 3 provides you with a powerful and comprehensive eCommerce solution. Vina Stepre is Fully Support it!
  4. Layout Builder: Allows anyone to customize the existing theme in any shape or dimensions without having any programming language!
  5. Mega Menu: allows you to display a ton of content in menu item including text, images, module and articles.
  6. Off-Canvas Menu: used primarily with Mobile and touch devices and can provide an extremely useful and beautiful experience for your users.
  7. Rich typography: Advanced Typography based on Bootstrap would enable you styling your Tables, Forms, and Buttons along with other elements to make your website more beautiful.
  8. RTL Language Support: Supports RTL (Right to Left) Language based Designs like Arabic, Farsi & Hebrew.
  9. HTML5 Base Template: We brought HTML5 in Our Templates to make elegant, modern and SEO friendly website that would be fully functional & represents awesome typography.
  10. Built With Less CSS: You can reduce over requests to browsers while making CSS development and it makes your whole website more powerful and speedier than ever.
  11. Use Helix 3 Framework: Helix Framework is one of the best light and feature rich responsive framework for Joomla Templating.
  12. 7 Premium Extensions from VinaGecko: Vina Product Carousel for Virtuemart, Vina Manufacturers Carousel for Virtuemart, Vina Treeview for VirtueMart, Vina Article Carousel, Vina Vertical News Ticker, Vina Treeview for Menus and Vina Vertical Scroller for Twitter are the popular extensions for Joomla 3.x. Now you can use it in Vina Stepre template.
  13. Fully Support JComment component: JComments is a powerful and easy to use AJAX based comment system for Joomla. Vina Stepre is Fully Support it!
  14. CSS & Javascript Compression: Helix decreases your website loading time drastically by using Advanced CSS & JS compression systems that works with all types of browsers.
  15. Google Analytics: Users can easily integrate Google Analytics Code on their website and can maintain all the features that Google Analytics are providing.
  16. Powered By BootStrap 3: Bootstrap is made upon responsive CSS Designs with less code which enhances the overall look of your website.

Vina Stepre – Change logs:

VERSION 1.0 - Released on February 10, 2016- First release.
VERSION 1.1 - Released on March 22, 2016- Update VirtueMart 3.0.12 to VirtueMart 3.0.14- Update Akeeba Backup 4.5.1 to Akeeba Backup 4.6.1- Update AcyMailing 5.0.1 to 5.2.0- Fix bug: Vina Treeview for VirtueMart Module more category link doesn't work.

7 Powerful Extensions from

  1. Vina Article Carousel (Save $15.99)
  2. Vina Vertical News Ticker (Save $15.99)
  3. Vina Treeview for Menus (Save $10.99)
  4. Vina Product Carousel for Virtuemart (Save $15.99)
  5. Vina Manufacturers Carousel for VirtueMart (Save $10.99)
  6. Vina Treeview for VirtueMart (Save $10.99)
  7. Vina Vertical Scroller for Twitter (Save $15.99)

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