Vapor - eCigarettes Vaporizers & E-Liquid Template

Vapor - eCigarettes Vaporizers & E-Liquid Template

Vapor – eCigarettes Vaporizers & E-Liquid Template

Vapor – A fully responsive website html template for E-cigarettes and vaporizers products and blogs.

This template is perfectly designed for eCigarette and alternative to tobacco smoking.

Vapour – is a fully responsive HTML5 template with the perfect display of products. There are different style of Vaporizing product display.


  • Perfectly display of main banner using Layer Slider
  • A section of video display where you can embed the video of your e Cigarettle product
  • Newsletter subscription box designed into this vaporizers website template so that you can generate leads and send emails to smoke lovers
  • It is fully responsive template and you can edit quickly and easily

Images are taken from Shutterstock