A Purple Patch is a polished creative theme for WordPress. Absolutely unique and mature design is what You need to inspire your website visitors. Make it easy with your new modern theme! Check out the list of key features to learn more.
Made with Love by wpSpade Themes.
- CSS3 powered
- 100% WPML compatible.
- Localization support (*.po and *.mo files included)
- One-click demo install feature
- Modern design and unique features
- 693 Google Fonts(r) and Adobe Typekit(r) integration (demo with Futura font)
- 100% responsive and retina-ready design
- Unique “Home” layout
- Ability to set background color to any page + transparency to create “overlay” effect combining it with featured image. Example
- Ability to use HTML5 video as page background
- wpSpade WP Gallery plugin that converts WordPress Gallery into beautiful responsive grid with “Tiled” or “Masonry” layout.
- Responsive lightbox with unique beautiful styling
- 2 Portfolio styles: “Showcase” and “Grid”
- Grid Portfolio style with two-level filtering (21 animation effect!!!)
- Infinite or paginated portfolio out of the box
- 3 Grid Portfolio sizes: large, medium and small with an ability to adjust gaps between thumbnails
- 2 Grid portfolio hover effects: “Default” and “Cover”
- Advanced Portfolio Settings which allow to modify “order” and “orderby” parameters
- Portfolio post with project details
- Ability to change portfolio archives style, base slug and titles
- “Centered” and “Split” templates
- Unique 404 page
- Single blog and portfolio posts with automatic color palette builder that grabs colors from the featured image
- wpSpade Shortcodes plugin to organize your content how you want (map, icon boxes, color box, slideshow, carousel, tabs, accordion, latest posts etc.). Examples
- Classic and Grid blog
- Unique team page
- Sharing bar (10 services) + integrated Facebook Open Graph and Twitter meta tags
- 21 social profile
- Unlimited sidebars
- Child themes support
- Multisite support
- Intuitive and user-friendly options framework
- Accurate and valid cross-browser code
- Optimized for “Contact Form 7”, “Simple Twitter Tweets” and “WP Instagram Widget” plugins out of the box
- Developed with SASS (files included)
- ...and much more!
Frameworks, js libraries, icon fonts:
- Redux Framework
- Redux Framework Metaboxes (premium extension – $124.99)
- Flickity (developer license – $25)
- Simple Line Icons by Jamal Jama
- Cube Portfolio – Responsive jQuery Grid Plugin by Mihai Buricea (premuim jQuery plugin – $16)
- Magnific Popup by Dmitriy Semenov
- One Click Demo Install for Wordpress Developers by FranklinM2
- Fontello
- Bootstrap for Sass
- BackgroundCheck
- Modernizr
- jQuery Easing plugin
- carouFredSel
- Element ‘inview’ Event Plugin
- jQuery Transit
- Color Thief
- rowGrid.js
- And some other resources
Images (and mockups) in the preview (not included in the download):
Version Changelog
INFO:[f] - feature added[c] - changed[b] - bug fixedVERSION CHANGELOG:-------------- 1.2.5 (3 March, 2016) --------------[b] Fixed "Portfolio post parent" option WPML compatibility[c] Included a-purple-patch.pot according to WordPress standardsstyle.css (version updated)functions/backend/redux/class.redux.phplanguages/a-purple-patch.pot-------------- 1.2.4 (2 March, 2016) --------------[b] Fixed jQuery mobile menu bug on Android[c] New "Portfolio post parent" option (improved WPML compatibility)style.css (version updated)assets/css/app.cssassets/css/theme.min.cssassets/js/app.jsassets/js/theme.min.jsfunctions/defaults.class.phpfunctions/backend/redux/class.redux.phpfunctions/wp/hooks/wp.hooks.class.php-------------- 1.2.3 (21 February, 2016) --------------[b] Fixed jQuery mobile menustyle.css (version updated)assets/js/theme.min.jsassets/js/app.js-------------- 1.2.2 (20 February, 2016) --------------[f] Added alternative mobile menu (Theme Options > Performance > jQuery mobile menu)[b] Minor CSS fixstyle.css (version updated)assets/css/app.cssassets/css/theme.min.cssassets/js/app.jsassets/js/jquery.dlmenu.min.jsassets/js/modernizr.custom.jsassets/js/theme.min.jsfunctions/frontend/functions.class.phpfunctions/backend/redux/class.redux.phpfunctions/wp/hooks/setup.class.phpfunctions/wp/hooks/wp.hooks.class.phpfunctions/wp/inc/menu.walker.class.phpinc/plugins/wpspd-shortcodes-pp.zip-------------- 1.2.1 (27 November, 2015) --------------[c] Removed an ability to translate custom taxonomy slugs (will be working of the box when WPML integrate it)[c] Updated translation files[b] Fixed compatibility with latest WPMLstyle.css (version updated)functions/defaults.class.phpfunctions/frontend/functions.class.phpfunctions/frontend/helpers.class.phpfunctions/wp/hooks/theme.hooks.class.phpfunctions/wp/hooks/wp.hooks.class.phpfunctions/wp/hooks/setup.class.phplanguages/en_US.molanguages/en_US.po-------------- 1.2 (26 November, 2015) --------------[f] Added "Post parent" option (overrides global "Portfolio posts parent" value) to portfolio post settings[f] Added "Video" and "Audio" post formats to portfolio posts[f] Included child theme[c] Optimised for upcoming WordPress 4.4[c] Updated TGM Plugin Activation class[c] Added admin notice if native WordPress Importer is enabled[b] Fixed translation bug + now portfolio slugs are translatable (WPML)[b] Fixed broken pagination when portfolio is set as frontpage[b] Minor CSS fix for language switcher (WPML)style.css (version updated)assets/css/app.cssassets/css/theme.min.css[removed] content-link.phpcontent-common.phpcontent.phpfunctions/backend/class.tgm.activation.phpfunctions/backend/redux/class.redux.phpfunctions/backend/redux/assets/css/custom.cssfunctions/frontend/functions.class.phpfunctions/wp/hooks/setup.class.phpfunctions/wp/hooks/theme.hooks.class.phpfunctions/wp/hooks/wp.hooks.class.phpinc/importer/importer/radium-importer.phplanguages/en_US.polanguages/en_US.mo-------------- 1.1 (26 September, 2015) --------------[f] New "Home Alt" template with parallax layers[c] "Hamburger" menu moved to top on the homepage ("Home" template) when in mobile view[b] Fixed background flickering in Mozilla Firefox[b] Fixed logo dimensions if large logo was added[b] Fixed "Heading" shortcode (update wpSpade Shortcodes plugin)[b] Other minor improvementsstyle.css (version updated)assets/css/app.cssassets/css/theme.min.cssassets/js/app.jsassets/js/jquery.imageFit.min.jsassets/js/parallax.min.jsassets/js/theme.min.jscontent-page.phpfooter.phpfunctions/backend/redux/class.redux.phpfunctions/backend/redux/extensions/color_thief/color_thief/field_color_thief.phpfunctions/backend/redux/extensions/metaboxes/extension_metaboxes.phpfunctions/backend/redux/extensions/typekit/typekit/field_typekit.phpfunctions/frontend/functions.class.phpfunctions/wp/hooks/setup.class.phpfunctions/wp/hooks/theme.hooks.class.phpfunctions/wp/hooks/wp.hooks.class.phpinc/importer/demo-files/content.xmlinc/plugins/wpspd-shortcodes-pp.ziptemplates/home-alt-template.php