SugarRush - Bootstrap 3 Responsive Admin Template

SugarRush - Bootstrap 3 Responsive Admin Template

SugarRush is an admin template built with HTML5, LESS, Bootstrap 3 and jQuery. It’s clean design and 100% responsiveness makes it ideal for those managing their sites from their mobile phones or tablets.

Regular updates: we will be updating the item with bug fixes and new features our customers ask for. So, if you want something added that is not in the package, make sure you ask for it in the comments section!


  • Bootstrap 3
  • Retina.js – retina support
  • Progress Buttons
  • jQuery Masked inputs
  • jQuery Multiple Select
  • bootstrap-tags
  • Very simple jQuery Color Picker
  • Bootstrap Colorpicker
  • bootstrap-timepicker
  • Date Range Picker for Twitter Bootstrap
  • Datepicker for Bootstrap
  • Bootstrap TouchSpin
  • bootstrap3-wysihtml5
  • Selectator jQuery Plugin
  • charts.js charts
  • morris.js charts
  • sparkline charts
  • peity charts
  • jQuery Knob
  • LABELAUTY jQuery Plugin
  • Bootstrap form validator
  • Sweet Alerts
  • Bootstrap Growl
  • Bootstrap show password Plugin


v1.2.1* Fixed all known bugsv1.2* Added Epoch charts* Added Star rating* Updated documentationv1.1* Added Retina.js support v1.0* Initial Release


The images in the demo page are not included in the package.