Ruby - Portfolio and Blog WordPress Theme

Ruby - Portfolio and Blog WordPress Theme

About Ruby..

Scroll down for more information and all features!

Ruby is a new Premium WordPress Theme designed and developed for people who want to expose their personal Projects, Photographs or Stories through blog. Has an design ultra-simple, modern, intuitive and ready for mobile devices. Also customization do not miss, thanks to Bio Panel you can customize almost every aspect of the site.. From the colors to layout!

Our Social Networks

Key Features

  • Responsive Design
  • HTML5 / CSS3 Coded
  • Optimized for Retina / HiDPI displays
  • Seo Ready
  • Unlimited pages as portfolio pages
  • Simple and Clean Design
  • Material Design inspired
  • Four extra layouts variants
  • Google Fonts used
  • Unlimited Colors
  • Highly Customization with “Bio Panel” (Wordpress Customization Panel)
  • Royal Slider, Wordpress Slider plugin used
  • Essential Grid, Wordpress Portfolio Grid plugin used
  • Built with clean code
  • Free Theme Updates
  • Premium Support dedicated

Pages Template

  • Home Pag – Static
  • Home Page – Royal Slider
  • Portfolio – All Projects
  • Portfolio – Single Page v.1
  • Portfolio – Single Page v.2
  • Blog – All Posts
  • Blog – Single Post
  • Contacts – Contact Form
  • Archives
  • 404
  • Search Results

Blog Post Supported

  • Standard
  • Image
  • Quote Box
  • Link Box
  • Audio Player
  • Gallery
  • Custom Video Player
  • Vimeo Video
  • Youtube Video

Responsive Portfolio Filter Icons

  • Digital Work
  • Photography
  • Illustrations
  • Branding
  • Print
  • Icons


The latest updates and bug fixes for this theme can be seen below

NEW– Version 1.0.7 : May 18, 2016

* style.css - Updated version number* BioTools - Update version 1.0.5* RoyalSlider - Update version 3.3.2* Essential Grid - Update version* TGM Install Plugin - Update 2.6.0

– Version 1.0.6 : December 11, 2015

* style.css - Updated version number* With WordPress 4.4 is changed the management of shortcodes, now are compatible with this version. See the documentation for the new sintax.

– Version 1.0.5 : November 07, 2015

* style.css - Updated version number* Security Improvement* Improvement BioPanel* RoyalSlider - Update version 3.3.0* BugFix MediaQueries Ess. Grid

– Version 1.0.4 : August 05, 2015

* style.css - Updated version number* inc/install-plugin/tgm.php - Update version 2.5.2* BugFix MediaQueries Skin in Ess. Grid

– Version 1.0.3 : May 10, 2015

* style.css - Updated version number* inc/install-plugin/tgm.php - Update version 2.4.2* BioTools - Update version 1.0.1* RoyalSlider - Update version 3.2.6 - Security update, fixed add_query_arg usage - Updated YouTube API to v3.0

– Version 1.0.2 : April 30, 2015

* style.css - updated version number* Improvement BioPanel* Custom Google map, article social icons, article footer meta tags now in inc/template-part.php* Widget recent article now in inc/widget/widget_recent_article.php* NEW: inc/template-part.php* NEW: inc/widget/widget_recent_article.php* NEW: ess_grid-all-contents.json - This file load all default and custom contents of essentials grids, if you use this file you need to overwrite the contents of default.* NEW: ess_grid-only-grids-and-custom-skins.json - This file load only custom contents of essentials grids, the default files are already installed. (advised)

– Version 1.0.1 : April 28, 2015

* style.css - updated version number* Improvement BioPanel variable (Customization Panel)* Essential Grid - update version 2.0.9 - Now compatible with WP 4.2 regarding split terms changes* TGM-Plugin-Activation - Update version 2.4.2

– Version 1.0 : April 26, 2015

# Initial Release