PhotoMarkt - Photography eCommerce Theme

PhotoMarkt - Photography eCommerce Theme

Photography theme built for professional photographers

Thank you for choosing CosmoThemes and purchasing one of our Premium WordPress Themes – your choice is greatly appreciated!

PhotoMarkt is a professionally developed WordPress theme with eCommerce integration, intuitive and super simple yet powerful backend options.

PhotoMarkt’s Features

  • Several header types: left side logo, left sidebar header and centered logo
  • Multiple archive listings view-type: list, grid, thumbnails and mosaic
  • Narrow, large and full-width view-port with left, right and centered layout position
  • Multiple gallery types: sly, classic, mosaic and oneimage
  • eCommerce integration and gallery linking to custom products for seamless digital goods selling
  • Gallery images lazy load
  • Automated tags extraction from image IPTC data and automated creation of media-tags archives
  • Password protected posts and galleries
  • Dynamic thumbnails creation – no need to regenerate your thumbnails
  • Hamburger menu, drop-down or classic menu nesting
  • 500px and Flickr RSS image fetching
  • Full Colors and Typography control
  • Fullscreen videos
  • Fully localized (sample .po and .mo files included)

Showcase your photography work with our immersive image and video portfolios

Upload and organise your pictures into galleries straight from our built-in dashboard. Next, create a gallery page and organise your individual galleries in a neat thumbnail, list, grid or mosaic view.

You can also use the narrow, large or fullwidth view-port layout by simply ticking the corresponding setting from backend.

Not the least, you can add background images for individual posts or for the whole site.

500px and Flickr RSS images

You can simply add your RSS feed from Flickr or 500px services to instantly populate your galleries

Responsive design

This theme has a responsive design, which makes it possible for users of mobile devices to have access to your website easily.

Translatable theme. Internationalization ready

PhotoMarkt comes with a .PO file that allows you to translate the theme into your language. Just follow the instructions from documentation.


If you happen to face some difficulties with this theme consider using our support that is conducted through our private ticketing system:

Directly access our documentation file:

Change log:

version 1.3 (Sept 25th, 2015)
- UPDATE: WP 4.3 Widget API change;
- FEATURE: Added LightRoom sync as recommended plugin;
- UPDATE: WooCommerce update to v. 2.4.7;
- UPDATE: Polylang images are now copied due to gallery translation;
- UPDATE: Some description added;
- FIX: iLlightBox will open only anchors attached to image files;
- UPDATE: Updates regarding the builder;
- FEATURE: Added Google Plus as sharing option;
- UPDATE: Added 500px and viewbug social options and icons.;
- UPDATE: Removed unused builder code;
- UPDATE: Removed unused hooks from theme toward builder, also deleted old builder code. ;
PLugin – added hooks for menu automatic item adding, enhanced boot.ini for header/footer/all content. removed delete option for default template (used for header/footer);
- UPDATE: Changed builder’s template directory for overwrite;
- UPDATE: Updated monstro shortcode plugin;

version 1.2 (May 29th, 2015)

- FEATURE: AJAX preloaded pagination for grid/list/thumbnail view. As well for all masonry views, in shortcode builder
- FEATURE: added new pagination options: load more, classic pagination and lazy load.
- FEATURE: added compatibility with rocket loader/ cloudflare
- FEATURE: added compatibility with Polylang multilingual plugin
- FEATURE: added roll-over icons for grid/list/thumb for type-video and type-gal
- FEATURE: option for css minify added to General settings
- UPDATE: WooCommerce 2.3.9 compatibility fixes
- FIX: header fix for fullscreen layout / hamburger
- UPDATE: created a new image directory inside CSS filder
- FIX: sly last element from falling below slider.
- FIX: margin top for single and override for modern and sly
- FIX: load more grid
- UPDATE: header restructured
- UPDATE: replaced bg.dots to opaque border
- FIX: minor mobile fixes changed defaults
- UPDATE: deleted some doubled code: entry-tags vs meta-tags
- UPDATE: removed setting to hide_gallery_info
- FIX: gallery title aligned by center similar type – default category
- UPDATE: better dropdown navigation defaults for headings
- FIX: column and crop options for blog & archives
- UPDATE: made page title similar to post with feat-img
- FIX: color header
- FIX: synced shortcode view-type markup to rss view-type
- FIX: header in wishlist template
- UPDATE: added type-gal/video to fixed-slieshow scenario
- FIX: padding top for mainpage when shortcodes or template
- FIX: error on wishlist, when WC is not activated
- UPDATE: included Libre Baskerville – quite good font for reading (not headings)
- FIX: slideshow fixed for the rest of the templates
- UPDATE: added more + for submenus
- UPDATE: renamed template-blog to Latest Blog posts
- UPDATE: deleted the top image option entirely. Added body class: cat-with-image when category page has image
- UPDATE: removed branding for admin settings – displayed theme title instead
- UPDATE: finished roll-over icons for grid/list/thumb for type-video and type-gal
- FIX: layout positions & boxed options after header remake.
- UPDATE: added dynamic css styles for dropdown bg color
- FIX: cleared dropdown menu on centered header + fixes
- FIX: typo in bg color for left-header default bg color

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