JSN Time - Crucial UX News Template for Joomla

JSN Time - Crucial UX News Template for Joomla

JSN Time – The Benchmark of News and Magazine Sites

JSN Time can be considered as the benchmark for a general news site with crucial User Experience (UX) Design and Maximum Leverage of K2 – Content Construction Kit (CCK). It follows the “user-centered design” philosophy, which aims at bringing good experience, emotion, intuition and connection of newsreaders .

Why should you choose JSN Time?

Responsive layout

Maximum leverage of K2

Meticulous user experience design

Userful complimentary modules

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Free Built-in Extensions in JSN Time

Free Editions of JSN PowerAdmin, JSN ImageShow, JSN Uniform and JSN PageBuilder are four built-in extensions in JSN Ferado sample data.

JSN PowerAdmin - Provide full control over your Joomla website in a single screen via an intuitive GUI with drag-n-drop operations.

JSN ImageShow - Display your images in a lively way. You can place it anywhere, in whatever size and filled with whatever content you want.

JSN Uniform - Allow you to create and manage effortlessly and effectively a wide range of forms as they want with diversified fields.

JSN PageBuilder - Drag-n-Drop suitable elements, construct content visually without any lines of code and get instant view with live preview.

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