- Elegant Design can be used for any creative portfolio, photography or business website
- Responsive Design which adapts to mobile devices (iPhone, iPad)
- Deactivate responsive features with one click in your backend
- Retina Ready, Ultra-sharp High Resolution Graphics
- Wordpress Live Customizer Support
- Content Builder allow you to create multi layouts gallery images using drag&drop user interface
- Fullscreen Menu Navigation
- Different Gallery Layouts
- Full Screen slideshow for Photo Gallery
- Unlimited Gallery Pages
- Translation Ready with mo/po files
- WPML plugin support for Multi-language
- Password Protected Gallery Support
- Extensive galleries admin. Support multiple images upload
- Static Page Content, Fullscreen Templates and Static Background Image
- Social media Profiles Support
- Built-in Google Web Fonts
- CSS and javascript compression support
- Easily customize elements colors using Wordpress Customizer
- Styled typography and flexible page columns
- Built-in Many Shortcodes
- Style shortcodes ex. dropcap etc.
- Column shortcodes ex. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 columns
- Built-in Shortcode Generator plugin
- Custom Post Type support for Galleries, Portfolios, Testimonial and Pricing
- Wordpress custom menu support
- Pricing Table Support
- Free Theme Updates and Support
- Facebook, Twitter and Google+ integration
- Unlimited sidebar. Create and select sidebar for each of your page!
- Contact us page with validation and fullscreen Google Map support
- Extensive Theme Documentation
- Free Lifetime Updates and Support
- Child Theme support for advanced customisation which is not affected by theme future updates
- WP Supercache plugin support
= V1.4.5 - 03.10.2015 =* Fix Facebook sharing post’s thumbnail not loading= V1.4.4 - 09.09.2015 =* Fix fullscreen button issue= V1.4.3 - 04.09.2015 =* Fix contact form with map display issue when using with custom map style= V1.4.2 - 25.08.2015 =* Fix visual editor in content builder issue with WordPress 4.3= V1.4.1 - 19.08.2015 =* Fix widget notice messages in WordPress 4.3= V1.4 - 11.07.2015 =* Fix blog templates pagination issue= V1.3 - 06.07.2015 =* Fix auto update issue, temporary disable auto update feature due to invite server downtime issue= V1.2 - 26.05.2015 =* Add Woocommerce plugin support for shopping cart feature* Add new content builder element “Image Two Columns No Space”= V1.1 - 20.04.2015 =* Fix header image blur effect issue on general page and post* Fix pricing detail new line items issue= V1.0 - 10.04.2015 =* Initial Release