14/04/2015- Updated: Added 2 New Templates.- Updated: Added Reservation Form20/03/2015- Updated: Removed Facebook Like Widget19/03/2015- Updated: Contact Form
Serena Muse Template
Good to see you here! Serena Template is a muse template for anyone who wants coffee, drinks, bakery, restaurant and cafe website and it is easy to customize with Adobe Muse CC 2014.3.2.11 or above.
This template is for use with Adobe Muse CC 2014.3.2.11 or above.This is not a wordpress theme.All images licensed under CC0 are include in the download package.You can edit tablet and mobile version by clicking on tab tablet and mobile : http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3766/19160829844_918143dccb_b.jpgPlease install font Awesome (Icon Font) in Adobe Muse if you can’t see icon in template : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9oLsOnQRW-hcVNNd2UzUkJtdFk/view?usp=sharingTemplate Features:
Desktop, Tablet, Mobile versionEasy to CustomizeFully LayeredParallax ScrollingWeb Fonts, Icon FontsTemplate HelpFonts used in this template are:
MontserratOpen SansDamionFont AwesomeCredit:
http://photodune.net/http://pixabay.comIcon :