Primary - Business Wordpress Theme

Primary - Business Wordpress Theme

Powerful WordPress theme designed in a clean and minimalistic style. This theme can be used for any type of website, business, corporate, portfolio, products, marketing, etc. Primary has been coded with love in PHP, HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. It is compatible with such premium plugins like WPBakery Visual Composer & ThemePunch Slider Revolution, and it is supplied with them.

Some reviews:

Change Log Update:

Version 2.1.3 – May 15, 2016– update Visual Composer to new version– update Revolution Slider to new version– update Font Awesome to new version– minor bug fixesVersion 2.1.2 – March 23, 2016– Fix several shortcodes for compatibility with new version of Visual Composer– Fix the instance conflict with Redux Framework Plugin– Visual Composer v.4.11.1– Revolution Slider v.– ReduxFramework v.– Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer 3.16.1Version 2.1.1 – January 28, 2016– Metaboxes now have new flat UI– Visual Composer v.4.9.2– Revolution Slider v.5.1.6– ReduxFramework v.– Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer 3.15.0Version 2.1.0 – December 12, 2015– add ability to hide header section for posts– Visual Composer v.4.9– Revolution Slider v.5.1.4– ReduxFramework v.– Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer 3.14.1Version 2.0.2 – October 16, 2015– add links to the blog posts featured images– fix content-type form issue– update Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer to v.3.13.5Version 2.0.1 – October 10, 2015– update Visual Composer to v.4.7.4 (Important Security Update)– fix https compatiblity isues– update Revolution Slider to v.5.0.9– update Redux Framework to v. 2.0.0 – September 16, 2015– upgrade page templates for compatibility with WordPress v.4.3+– fix incompatibility of shortcodes with paragraphs with WordPress v.4.3+– update theme for WooCommerce v.2.4.0+ compatibility– replace old CSS code generator in Visual Composer shortcode templates with new v.4.7+ compatible– replace deprecated WP_Widget constructor calls– update Redux Framework to v.– update Visual Composer to v.– update Revolution Slider to v. 1.3.1 – July 28, 2015– update Redux Framework to v.– update Visual Composer to v.4.6.2– rebuild vc_row.php for compatibility with Visual Composer v.4.6 new features– fix behaviour of the 'add link' property of Visual Composer elements– fix jcarousel responsiveness for multiple carousels on page– add wrapper to vc_row.php to prevent errors vith updating the theme while version of Visual Composer is lower than 4.6Version 1.2.1 – July 1, 2015– removed the prettyPhoto because of security reason.– add new VC version (4.5.3)Version 1.2.0 – May 19, 2015– improve Visual Composer front-end editing.– add configurable Import/Export section for theme options page.– fix breadcrumbs option for pages– add h1 tag to pages headline (it is good for SEO)– add gallery support to inline portfolio view– add new VC version (4.5.1)– add new Revolution Slider version (4.6.93)– Redux Framework v.– Envato WordPress Toolkit v.1.7.2– Fix bug with team members quantity (thanks to cyrusghahremani)Version 1.1.0 – April 23, 2015– update TGM-Plugin-Activation class to v. 2.4.1 (important security update)– update Redux Framework to v.3.5.4 (important security update)– fix Custom JS Primary option– fix broken Visual Composer shortcodes (thanks to Dave Newson) - vc_button & vc_empty_space.– fix bug with service shortcode in admin page (thanks to vertigo168)– add transparent menu at the top (feature request from Elliotj)– minor bug fixesVersion 1.0.5 – March 24, 2015– update Redux Framework to v.– fix social share links duplication on blog posts– fix mobile menu CSS issues– fix testimonials shortcodeVersion 1.0.4 – March 20, 2015– update Visual Composer to v.4.4.3– update Redux Framework to v. 1.0.3 – March 14, 2015– update Redux Framework to v.– fix mobile menu custom colorsVersion 1.0.2 – March 6, 2015– fixed some bugs in WooCommerce– minor bug fixedVersion 1.0.1 – March 3, 2015– small CSS fixes for IE and FirefoxVersion 1.0.0 – March 3, 2015– initial release

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