Circloid - Responsive Admin Dashboard Template

Circloid - Responsive Admin Dashboard Template

Circloid makes designing your new admin very easy & simple. By using Circloid’s building Blocks, you can finish building your responsive, mobile & tablet-friendly admin interface in a few minutes.

You can use the any of the 25 ready-to-go widgets or 55+ pages that come with Circloid or you can start from scratch using Circloid’s Blank Page. Either way, it’s extremely simple! You can also build your own widgets and display whatever data you wish.

It’s well documented and the code is easy to understand. The Javascript/jQuery functions were written in a very basic manner so you can edit it easily and adapt it to your own code or 3rd Party code.

Oh, and Circloid is built on Bootstrap so it is future proof. Plus, we are always adding new features at no extra cost to you.

Please note that the images in the demo are not included within the actual Circloid download. You can find them at


v1.1.2 – 30/04/2015

NEW- Added Price List page

v1.1.1 – 25/03/2015

FIXED- Corrected the "Profile" link from the header menu. Now links to Admin Profile

v1.1.0 – 21/03/2015

NEW- Added ready-made colored template options- Added New Admin Profile page- Added Timeline to User ProfileUPDATED- Updated Circloid's Dashboard layout- Changed default Profile page to Customer ProfileFIXED- Timeline page responsiveness fixed

v1.0.0 – 10/03/2015

- Initial Release

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