RAW is a clean and professional Coming Soon / Maintenance html template for a lot of type of corporates, agency, e-commerce, business etc…
RAW has been built with the Framework Bootstrap 3, responsive on every screens, made on a minimalist design, clean and professional. HTML5 verified 100% by the W3C, CSS3.
Well documented with a complete Help File, you will be able to change easily the layout, settings and add your informations for the Contact/Newsletter forms.
6 variants :
Main Features :
- Fully Responsive
- Bootstrap 3
- 6 variants
- Image
- Slideshow
- YouTube
- Split
- Constellation
- Mockup (mockup provided in your download pack)
- CSS Animation
- Ajax PHP Subscribe Form (Mailchimp, file and e-mail)
- Well documented
- Assistance 7/7 (English & Francais)
RAW is an HTML Template and not a Wordpress plugin.
For those who have purchased this item before the 01/05/2015, if you get an error message regarding the Google Map you have to replace the script at the bottom of your html :
Replace this :
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=AIzaSyASm3CwaK9qtcZEWYa-iQwHaGi3gcosAJc&sensor=false"></script>
by this :<script src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false"></script>
(02/05/2015) - Resolution of the error regarding the map mentioned just above
(15/02/2015) - Correction with the info part, there was a problem after to have click on the newsletter, if the user scrolls to the top and go back after to show the part informations, the text was not displayed
Credits :
- A big thanks to PatrikL who has gave me the right to provide you in your download pack the mockup with the MacBook and the iPhone, check his profile and his work on Envato !
- A big big thanks to Oskar BAKKE who has gave me the right to display (not provided in your download pack) his shoot of the amazing car of Jon Olsson, check his awesome work !
- The others pictures in the live preview are not included in the download pack. I have replaced it with placeholder. If you are interesting by the pictures, you could find them in the next links :
- Video : JonOlssonVideoBlog
- Thanks to Codrops and Acaua Montiel for his plugin Constellation