Matrix Template – Overview Look
Matrix is a premium, fully responsive, Retina-Ready HTML Template with a minimal, Based on Google Matrial design clean design that allows visitors to focus on content. It’s very code-light, making it quick to load, and has a pleasingly clean look that’s ideal for multipurpose websites such as business, company, portfolio or blog. It is superbly responsive adapting to any kinds of smart phones and mobile devices.
Main Features
- 23 Index .html Pages include
- Google Material Design Inspiration
- Elegant and Easy to Use
- Optimized for Full HD Screen and Retina Display
- Built with HTML5 and CSS3
- Made with SASS and bourbon
- Google Fonts included
- 100% Full Responisve Template
- mobile NAV include
- Side Menu (left navigation)
- Retina display
- colorfull skins
- Form Validation
- shortcodes
- and more….