Table of Contents
- What’s already included?
- User profile info
- Private messages
- Members list
- Recipe submission
- Recipe Archive
- Tags Index
- Forums
- Homepage
- Widgets
- Changelog
What’s already included?
User profile info:
- Cooking levels – The cooking level for a user. It can be “None”, “Beginner”, “Intermediate”, “Expert” or “Professional”.
- Last user visit – Display the time when a user has been active on the site.
- Number of profile views – How many time other users visited the main profile page of a specific user.
- Living in – Allows the user to set the home country/location.
- User website – If the user has a website, it can display its URL on the profile page.
- Registration date. – Shows the registration date. It may be usefull for other users, because they will know how old this user is on the curent site.
- Reputation score. – Shows how many reputation points the user has, with the link to detailed info about it.
- Number of followers/following. – he number of folowers and the number of users that is following with the link to the list of users.
- About – A short description about itself.
- Send Private message – Allows other user to contact the user via a private contact form.
- Settings – Allows the user to set/update profile settings.
- Follow button – Using AJAX it allows to instantly follow a user.
- Awards – A list of awards that the user has won.
- Social profiles – A list of URLs to other social networks where the user is register
- User activity – A log with all user’s activity. It displays, the recipes submited, user following actions, recipes added to favorites and liked recipes.
- Avatars – Any registered user is allowed to upload a custom avatar image. The avatars works everywhere, in comments, members list, forums, etc. No limits.
- Password metter – When the user is updating its profile, and if is picking a new password, there is an indicator that shows how strong the password is. This is done by following an algorithm that determine the password length and the caracters used. If the password is at least 8 chars long and contains one lowecase letter, on uppercase letter, one number and one special character, it is determined to be strong.
- User profile “My recipes” – is a page where the user can see all all its recipes. Check the status and access the edit tools.
Private messages:
All messages are delivered using AJAX. This will prevent the page reload and will provide a better user experience. If the message does not meet the minimum requirements or a problem occured, the form will return a human readable error message.
The user will get a notification in the website header with the number of new unread messages, each time a new message is sent from another member.
- Inbox – a list of all messages that has received a user.
- Sent – a list of all messages sent by a user.
- Important – a list of messages marked as important by a user.
- Stortcut messages send – Press
to send the message. - AJAX message send – The private messages are sent via AJAX. This allows the message to be transfered almost instantly, without reloading the page.
Members list
Members list displays all registered users on the site. There is available a basic user info, number of recipes submitted, reputation and the “Follow” button with the number of followers.
Recipe submission
Submit recipes directly from the website front-end, alowed for any registered user and reject user from accessing the WP dashboard. Only admin are allowed to access the admin side.
- Featured image – Use the native WP media Uploader to insert the featured image for a recipe.
- Ingredients – Allows to add an unlimited number of ingredients. Each ingredient can include the name, quantity, measurement and other notes. The measurements can be edited(remove. add new) from the control panel, accessible only for admins.
- “Preparation mode” and “Footnotes” – Use TinyMCE to create beautifull rich content that describe the recipe.
- Links – If the recipe is not original, or if it a modified copy or whatever else, the user is allowed to insert the links in the footer of the newly submitted recipe. This field(like many other) is optional and may be left empty.
Recipe Archive
- Per page – The current reader can select how many recipes it want to be displayed per page. It has the option to select from a drop-down menu.
- Sort by category or/and tag – When browsing recipes it can be hard to find the right one. That’s why it was implemented the sort by category or/and tag. If it selected only the category or only the tag, the page will show the results only for the selected value. But, if they are both selected, the page will show all recipes from the selected category that contains the selected tag. So you can be sure that the users will find the right recipes.
- Recipe view – There a 3 recipe styles. The user can select the view that it likes more. To describe each, first has the most details, second is compact list view and third is a grid style that is aimed to provide a visual browsing using only the recipe photo and title.
Tags Index
The tags index is a very sly feature that allows to view all available tags and the number of recipes that’s using each. Also on that page is a filter that allows to minimize the list and to show only the tags that contains a part of a word. They can be viewed in inline or list mode. This is left at the user discretion.
For the forums is user the bbPress plugin. It is fully compatible with this theme and it’s styled to give a strong impression of a real standalone forum software. Check it, there are many modifcations that you will not find in the default bbPress.
The homepage is using a special drag and drop page builder. You can drag the modules and display recipes, by:
- Subbmission date.
- Last update date.
- Favorites count.
- Likes count.
- Comments count.
- Featured first.
Also you can display blog posts in grid or list view by:
- Subbmission date.
- Last update date.
- Comments count.
There are also other modules that can help you to build a better index page to impress your website visitors.
The theme has packed some special widgets that you may find usefull.
- Social – Display links to your social networks. In the demo you find only a few, but you really want you can make the sidebar full with different socail networks links and each can have it’s logo(obviously), color, and special text.
- Recipes categories – Of course you’ll need this. The users should be able to pick a recipe category from the list.
- Recipes widget – Again like on the homepage you can display a list of recipes that is based on a set of settings: sorted by number of likes, favorites, date, etc.
- Top users – Shows the authors sorted by reputation. They make your website content, so they need some attention. (:
Version 1.5- Safari 9 major bug fix.
- Fixed “lessphp” conflict between theme and other plugins.
- Bugfix: On “tags index” page first tag letter is dropped.
- Option to lock recipes for registered only users.
- Other bug fixes.
- New! Added “Following feed”. Users can see the activity made by the users they are following. The page is located under “Feed” tab in each personal profile.
- Fixed incorrect display of tags in search filter for words that uses non-english characters.
- Fixed incorrect display of non-english characters on “Tags Index” page.
- Page Builder can display recipes from a specific category. Before it displayed only from all categories.
- Homepage can have a sidebar.
- Ingredients were not displayed because of a broken child theme. Remove the old child theme completely and replace it.
- Incorect display of rating in comments on small resolution devices.
- Fixed “Recipes List” widget number field.
- Fixed “Top Users” widget number field.
- Updated translation files. Use “Loco Translate” to translate the new strings.
- WordPress 4.3.1 compatibility.
Version 1.3
- Reviews and ratings.
- Search icon is always visible.
- Option to allow minimum image width for recipes submission.
- Option to allow to hide or show unapproved recipes for admins only.
- The widget that displays the recipe categories can be a dropdown menu.
- Sticky navigation.
- Revolution slider support(the plugin is not included).
- Control the required/enabled submission fields.
- ...and much more…
Version 1.2.1
- Improvement: Restored “Recipes per page” option for filter.
- Bug fix: Login form is not visible on mobile devices.
- Improvement: Keep the info about “recipes per page” and “view” in advanced search form.
- New: The admin can set the default number of recipes per page.
- New: The admin can set the default recipes view.
- New: Control the number of columns for recipes in “grid” view mode.
- Fix: Security fix.
Version 1.2
- Bug fix: The page builder module “Forums” displays only 5 items, even if the settings uses a different number.
- Improvement: Custom recipe slugs, accessible from “Permalinks” page.
- Improvement: SEO friendly category, tag, ingredient URLs.
- Improvement: Updated the page title structure.
- New: Search icon in site header.
- Improvement: The icons from user menu can be disabled or enabled.
- Improvement: The user menu now can show tha avatar OR the username OR an icon.
- Improvement: Single recipe meta can be placed on top, right, bottom or left.
- Other adjustments.
Version 1.1
- New: Site copyright option
- New: The layout can be full width or boxed.
- New: Dynamic layout width. From 940px to 1440px.
- New: Dynamic sidebar width. From 240px to 440px.
- New: The recipes index can have a sidebar aligned to the left or right.
- New: A better recipes settings panel.
- Improvement: Now if the public submission is disabled the “Add new recipe” link, from site header, will be hidden.
- Improvement: The layout will always be 100% in height even if the page has no content at all.
- New: Require or make optional recipe submission fields, from admin panel.
- Improvement: Now the page builder text module supports shortcodes.
- New: If the Revolution Slider is installed, a module will be added to the page builder. You can use it now.
- Bug fix: The summary counter displays 0 if the pagination is active.
- Improvement: Minimize the blog date on small screens.
- Improvement: A better sidebar on mobile devices.
- Improvement: The recipe meta is always visible, even on small mobile devices.
- New: Favorites, Likes, Views, Print, Filter options can e enabled or disabled.
- New: Advaced recipes search/filter.
- Improvement: The page builder can show recipes in columns from 3 to 10.
- New: Social login support for 27 social networks.
- New: Secure login with reCaptcha.
- New: Terms and conditions for registration.
- New: Admins can remove activities and reputation.
- Bug fix: Duplicated activity and reputation points.
- Improvement: The members counter from site footer links to the members page.
- Improvement: Custom reputation points. Now the admins can set the number of points that gets a user when an action is executed.
- Documentation update.
- Improvement: Improved performance. Now the theme loads 5x times faster.
- Improvement: Logo can be centered, above the menu.
- Improvement: Added option to disable the page title.
- Improvement: Custom Google fonts.
- Improvement: Custom 404 settings.
- Improvement: Recipes are edited on the same page, not on a separated one anymore.
- Improvement: More customizer options.
- Bug fix: Doubled page title in title tag.
- Bug fix: User “display name” is not saved in the user settings form.
- Bug fix: Conflict between Yoast SEO plugin and the page builder
- Bug fix: Infinite redirect loop, that has been reported by some users.
- Bug fix: Users could see the edit link for recipes submitted by others(don’t worry, they were not able to edit others recipes).
- Bug fix: Measurements are not saved for new recipes submissions.
- Removed: The tags index cache, because it creates the feel that tags are not saved.
- Partial WooCommerce support. Full support and design will be added in version 1.1.