Bewear is uber clean and modern eCommerce PSD Template with Lookbook / Collection style to inspire your clients with your products.
The idea – sometimes the client does not know what he wants expect that he should change a bit his wardrobe – thats why this projects is focused on Lookbook / Collection style to inspire the client and stimulate his imagination.
My solution – im offering to you 2 different style of lookbook, fully designed in details and needs for these kind of subpages. Also you can add nice pics of looks to category header pages and invite the client to blog pages where he can take more inspires – everything to make the client stay on your website and enjoy the time spent.
So, if you are looking unique design and fresh look, Bewear is perfect for you
This PSD pack contains 21 PSDs – full and easy customizable.
- 01-HomePage.psd
- 02-HomePage_Ver2.psd
- 03-Catalog.psd
- 04-CategoriesGrid.psd
- 05-ProductSimple.psd
- 06-ProductExtended.psd
- 07-QuickView.psd
- 08-ShoppingBag.psd
- 09-Lookbook.psd
- 10-Lookbook_SingleLook.psd
- 11-Lookbook_Ver2.psd
- 12-Lookbook__Ver2_SingleLook.psd
- 13-Blog.psd
- 14-Blog_Single.psd
- 15-AboutUs.psd
- 16-Contact.psd
- 17-Contact-ExtendedForm.psd
- 18-Contact_Ver2.psd
- 19-Checkout.psd
- 20-MegaMenu.psd
- 21-MegaMenu_Ver2.psd
Font used in template: OpenSans on HomePage_Ver1 from: on preview are not included.