Voice - Clean News/Magazine WordPress Theme

Voice - Clean News/Magazine WordPress Theme

Voice is a professional WordPress blog/magazine theme created with online news and magazine websites in mind, but it can also be used for simple personal blogs. However, it is highly customizable so it can match your personal taste and be quickly converted into a multi-purpose theme as well. Voice was made with a modern responsive design, awesome typography and a focus on readability and good visitor experience.

Voice - Clean News/Magazine WordPress Theme

Voice - Clean News/Magazine WordPress Theme

Responsive Design

Your website will look just as good on big screens as it will on tablets and mobile phones. However, responsive mode is optional and it can be easily switched off through the theme options.

Voice - Clean News/Magazine WordPress Theme

Advanced Theme Options Panel

Voice comes with an advanced, easy to use theme options panel. You will setup your website in 5 minutes.

Voice - Clean News/Magazine WordPress Theme

Built-in Performance Options

Voice is optimized for speed. Built-in performance options will ensure that your website loads fast and runs smoothly.

Voice - Clean News/Magazine WordPress Theme

Branding – Unlimited Fonts & Colors

Voice provides options for unlimited fonts and colors as well as options to upload your logo and icons, depending on your taste. Add your personal touch to this theme!

Voice - Clean News/Magazine WordPress Theme

Header Layouts + Sticky Header + Mega Menu System

We also provide several header layouts to match your personal taste. You can have a classic, simple header with navigation, or something more complex with ads and banners.

Voice - Clean News/Magazine WordPress Theme

Over 150 Post Listing Combinations

We provide 7 main layouts for your post listings, as well as 3 more layouts for featured area posts. You can even combine all of them and get almost endless possibilities!

Voice - Clean News/Magazine WordPress Theme

Smart Post Listings (Modules)

We provide a simple and easy-to-use but powerful solution for multiple posts listings (modules) on the same page. You can create as many post modules as you wish, grouping them by specific criteria and display them in a specific layout.

Voice - Clean News/Magazine WordPress Theme

Advanced post selection/filtering

Within each module, you can:

  • Select posts from one or more specific categories
  • Order posts by date, number of views, number of comments or random
  • Display posts which are not older than a specific time difference
  • Manually pick posts for each module

Voice - Clean News/Magazine WordPress Theme

Unlimited Sidebars + Sticky Sidebars

You can add as many sidebars as you want. Then you can assign specific sidebar to any post, page or a category. Also, you can have sticky sidebars on each template which means that widgets will be always visible while you scroll through the website content.

Voice - Clean News/Magazine WordPress Theme

Paginated/multi-page posts

For those who use ads on their websites, we have created a very intuitive design for posts which are split into multiple pages. Boost your page views with ease!

Voice - Clean News/Magazine WordPress Theme

Smart Categories

Yes, you may have a different look for each category on your website. Choose a layout, color, featured area, pagination type and number of posts per page!

Voice - Clean News/Magazine WordPress Theme

Additional Custom Widgets

Alongside the standard WordPress widgets, we provide several custom widgets:

  • Voice Posts
    Display your posts in a stylish way, similar to standard WordPress post widget but with more options
  • Voice Adsense
    If you are using Google Adsense, you can put your ad-sense script inside this widget. Actually, not only Google Adsense, you can use any JavaScript related advertising service
  • Voice Video
    You can easily display YouTube or Vimeo videos with this widget
  • Meks Easy Ads Widget
    A great solution if you are dsiplaying advertisement on your website
  • Meks Smart Social Widget
    You can use this widget to display social icons
  • Meks Smart Author Widget
    Use this widget to display your user/author profile info
  • Meks Simple Flickr Widget
    You can display your flicker photo-stream with this widget
  • Meks Smart ThemeForest Widget
    You can display your own or other users’ ThemeForest items here, with affiliate links as well.

Voice - Clean News/Magazine WordPress Theme

4 Pagination Types

You can have a classic “older posts / newer posts” navigation, numeric pagination, load posts with “more” button, or apply infinite scrolling. Note that this is not only a global setting, you can have different pages with different pagination types as well.

Voice - Clean News/Magazine WordPress Theme

Built-in Banner Ads System

Monetize your website! Easily place a banner ad on your homepage, archive pages or single posts.

Voice - Clean News/Magazine WordPress Theme

Support for post views number

We provide support for Entry Views WordPress plugin which is used to count views for each post. We also provide smart options so your posts can be selected and ordered by number of views.

Voice - Clean News/Magazine WordPress Theme

WP Review Plugin Support

Voice supports one of the most popular WordPress rating plugins, so you can increase the user interaction on your website by rating products and services.

Voice - Clean News/Magazine WordPress Theme

Of course you could use one of many “related post” plugins, but we have provided a simple yet powerful solution for displaying related posts for a particular post which will get you covered in almost any case.

Voice - Clean News/Magazine WordPress Theme

Built-in Theme Translator

If you want to modify or translate the text on you website, you can do it very easily in the theme options panel. Note that .po and .mo language files are provided if you prefer to use standard WordPress translation or multilingual website.

Voice - Clean News/Magazine WordPress Theme

One Click Easy Updates

You can connect your website with the Envato official API and be notified about all upcoming updates through your admin dashboard. Every time we release a Voice update, you can update this theme with a single click, just like you do for any other theme hosted on the official WordPress repository.

Voice - Clean News/Magazine WordPress Theme

Social Sharing Integrated

Allow visitors to quickly share your posts on most popular social networks.

Voice - Clean News/Magazine WordPress Theme


You can add some nice elements into your content with 12 flexible shortcodes. Columns, separators, highlights, dropcaps, buttons, pull quotes, progress bars, social icons, tabs, toggles, accordions… to name just a few.

Voice - Clean News/Magazine WordPress Theme

WooCommerce Support

You can add your own shop with WooCommerce WordPress plugin and use it with our theme very easily!Voice - Clean News/Magazine WordPress Theme

bbPress Support

You can also run nice looking forums with bbPress WordPress plugin which is fully supported!Voice - Clean News/Magazine WordPress Theme

Post formats support

Besides standard posts, this theme supports video, audio, image and gallery post formats. Also, most WordPress common embedding features are supported so you can embed facebook statuses, tweets, instagram, soundcloud, youtube, vimeo…

Voice - Clean News/Magazine WordPress Theme

RTL Support

If you are using your website for right-to-left oriented reading, there is a simple option for it!

Voice - Clean News/Magazine WordPress Theme

Full Documentation + Demo Content Included

We provide full documentation so you can learn how to setup this theme step by step and use it’s options and features. A demo content XML file is also included in the package, so you can get content very similar to our demo website, and start tweaking from that point.

Voice - Clean News/Magazine WordPress Theme

Dedicated Support

If you have any questions, issues, feature ideas, do not hesitate to contact us. We do our best to respond as soon as possible and help you out!

Five star reviews from happy customers

We’ve received a huge amount of positive feedback from our satisfied customers. Here’s a glimpse of what they are saying about Voice:

Voice - Clean News/Magazine WordPress Theme

Change Log

= 2.0.1 =* Fixed: Problem with editing category layouts in WP 4.5
= 2.0 =* Added: Performance (minification) options to speed up your website easily ( Theme Options -> Performance )* Added: Ads/banner slots to display ads on various places (Theme Options -> Ads)* Added: Support for post reviews system using WP Review WordPress Plugin (stars, points and percentage review type). You can also order posts in modules by review score!* Improved: Sticky sidebar functionality* Fixed: Minor styling issues in various browsers, RTL and responsive mode
= 1.6 =* Added: New post layout - Layout H (Theme Options -> Post Layouts)* Added: Option to slide posts in Mega Menu (Theme Options -> Header)* Added: Option to display subcategories in Mega Menu (Theme Options -> Header)* Added: Option to on/off zoom effect on featured images (Theme Options -> Miscellaneous)* Added: Option to display category link in Voice Posts Widget* Added: Various options to customize authors list template (Authors Page Template)* Added: Option to enable multibyte post excerpts, i.e for Janapese characters (Theme Options -> Miscellaneous)* Improved: Minor styling issues in various browsers and responsive mode
= 1.5.2 =* Fixed: Voice widgets throwing notices in WordPress 4.3 if WP_DEBUG mode is enabled
= 1.5.1 =* Fixed: Wrong author name and link in modules and archive pages (appeared in 1.5)* Fixed: Featured image caption not being displayed on single posts with cover layout
= 1.5 =* Added: New layout with big featured image (cover) for single posts (Theme Options -> Single Post)* Added: Option to choose content instead of excerpt for Layout A (Theme Options -> Post Layouts)* Added: Option to add "read more" button for Layout A and C (Theme Options -> Post Layouts)* Added: Option to filter posts by tag (Voice Posts Widget)* Fixed: Minor styling issues
= 1.4 =* Added: Option to choose sidebars for WooCommerce pages (Theme Options -> WooCommerce)* Added: Option to choose sidebars for bbPress pages (Theme Options -> bbPress)* Added: Option to add link to module title* Added: Option to choose position of comment form above/below comments (Theme Options -> Single Post)* Added: Option to display social icons in author widget (Meks Smart Author Widget)* Added: Option to order posts by title (Modules, Featured Area & Voice Posts Widget)* Added: Option to select upper limit for time selection in modules* Added: Official support for wp title (for WP version 4.1+)* Improved: Gallery with 2 & 3 columns on full width posts/pages* Fixed: Issue with responsive adsense in header ad area* Fixed: Small issue with comments pagination* Fixed: Minor styling issues
=1.3.2=* Added: Security update - Redux options panel and TGM plugin installer (as suggested by Envato), now you are 100% safe* Added: New demo importer for easier setup* Improved: Infinite scroll clunky loading in some cases* Fixed: HTML/text module not working properly when added as the last module on the page* Fixed: Header ad not displaying in responsive mode* Fixed: Live preview not working in some cases* Fixed: Lots of minor bugs and styling issues which are reported by users in various browsers as well as in responsive mode
=1.3.1=* Fixed: Bug with Voice posts widget* Fixed: Problem with SEO by Yoast breadcrumbs generating empty space when bred crumb option is disabled
=1.3=* Added: WooCommerce WordPress plugin support* Added: bbPress WordPress plugin support* Added: Option to filter posts by tag in modules and featured area (Modules Template)* Added: Option "Do not duplicate" so you can exclude posts of a particular module from next modules (Modules Template)* Added: New module type (html/text module) with which you can put any custom content between post modules (Modules Template)* Added: Display options (on/off) for each particular post so you can override global display options for single posts* Added: Option to upload mobile logo (Theme Options -> Header Styling)* Added: Option to display post meta data for Layout E (Theme Options -> Post Layouts)* Added: Option to display excerpt for Layout G (Theme Options -> Post Layouts)* Added: Option to "autoplay" posts in featured area sliders (Theme Options -> Post Layouts)* Added: Option to "autoplay" posts in module sliders (Modules Template)* Added: Option to choose image overlay opacity values for featured area (Theme Options -> Post Layouts)* Added: Option to get related posts by the same author (Theme Options -> Single Post)* Added: Option to add share buttons on pages (Theme Options -> Page Templates)* Added: Option to exclude specific language(s) from RTL mode (Theme Options -> General)* Added: Option to switch off our built-in gallery and use WordPress default or some gallery plugin (Theme Options -> Misc.)* Added: Support to pick custom post types by IDs in modules and featured area (Modules Template - in "choose manually" option)* Added: Option to manually pick posts/pages/custom post types by IDs (Voice Posts Widget)* Added: Option to add search in header top bar * Added: Support for breadcrumbs feature in Yoast WordPress SEO plugin* Added: Option to disable our mega menu system and avoid conflicts with other menu/navigation plugins (Theme Options -> Header Styling)* Improved: Voice Posts Widget - you are now allowed to select multiple categories* Improved: Option to specify scroll to top button color (Theme Options -> Misc.)* Improved: Load more and infinite scroll clunky loading on slow servers* Improved: Allowed HTML in manually specified post excerpts (works if excerpt limit is set to "0" for particular layout)* Improved: Allowed drop down (second level) in top bar menu* Improved: Resolved some conflicts with "Lazy Load" plugins* Fixed: Number of views not working properly on specific WordPress configurations* Fixed: Infinite scroll not working properly when footer is disabled* Fixed: Ads space area in Header Options breaking JavaScript ads in some cases, it now opens as HTML editor by default* Fixed: Lots of minor bugs and styling issues which are reported by users in various browsers as well as in responsive mode
= 1.2.1 =* Improved: Fixed minor bugs and styling issues which are reported by users in various browsers as well as in responsive mode
= 1.2 =* Added: Possibility to display actual page content in Modules page template* Added: Authors Page Template - Lists all your blog authors automatically on this page* Added: Option to position author box above or below related post area (Theme Options -> Single Post)* Added: Option to display caption for featured images on single posts and pages (Theme Options -> Single Post/Page)* Added: Possibility to show pages in featured area and modules (in manual mode) * Added: Option to always center text vertically over the images in featured area (Theme Options -> Post Layouts -> Featured area grid slider)* Added: Option to upload logo for retina displays* Added: Option to apply category colors in main navigation instead of accent color (Theme Options -> Header Styling)* Added: Option to display featured image and headline on first page of paginated posts* Improved: CSS styling/crossbrowser/responsive tweaks for minor issues* Fixed: Posts in modules not ordered properly for "Number of comments" option
= 1.1 =* Added: Color option for website title if logo is not used (Theme Options -> Header Styling)* Added: Option to automatically select posts from child categories if parent category is selected (in Modules Template)* Added: Options to use meta data in Voice posts widget (date/time, comments, author, etc...)* Added: Options to display post reading time in meta data list (Theme Options -> Post Layouts and Single Post)* Added: RSS and email icons (for Social Menu)* Added: Option to move navigation links for paginated post below content (Theme Options -> Single Post)* Improved: Post gallery - Now images can be navigated in pop-up mode and it will aslo display image captions* Improved: Smarter Sticky Header (better experience on devices with small screen / hide on scroll down and show on scroll up)* Improved: CSS styling/crossbrowser/responsive tweaks for minor issues* Improved: Sliders in RTL mode* Fixed: Category link on/off not working on Layout G* Fixed: Sticky sidebar option for posts and pages not working in some cases* Fixed: Manual post pick option not working in modules in some cases
= 1.0 =* Initial release


We would like to say big thanks to great people for their products which help us in our theme development!




Font Awesome – http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome


All images used on demo website are purchased from ShutterStock and downloaded from Unsplash and they are all credited to their respective creator/owner. These images are not included in theme package.

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