Andy Parker - Creative Photography & Portfolio WordPress Theme

Andy Parker - Creative Photography & Portfolio WordPress Theme

Andy Parker is a WordPress theme, that combines a minimalist design with a large number of customizable options to help you create an outstanding photography or creative portfolio very efficiently and straightforward. The theme is highly customizable, you will not need to crop, resize or edit your images because Andy Parker brings a very sophisticated system which allows you to display your pictures/images at any aspect ratio, automatically croping and resizing your images according to your needs in order to achieve the best results.

“This theme is just what I’ve been looking for. I’ve been through a couple of themes and they’ve all been a total nightmare to install. This one was really easy. I only had one question and I chatted to a support person online and they picked it easily (no code!!!). If you want a beautiful and easy to work theme for stills and video this is the best.”

Some Reviews:

Some features:

  • Unique design
  • Fully Responsive
  • Retina Ready
  • Masonry Portfolio
  • Automatic Background Image Detection
  • Advanced Customizable Image Aspect Ratio for all Devices
    - Original image aspect ratio (Masonry)
    - 1:1 – Square Image
    - 4:3 – Digital Camera
    - 3:2 – 35mm film
    - 16:9 – High Definition
    - 3:1 – Panoramic,
    - Customizable Proportions for Mobile, Tablet & Desktop
  • W3C Validated HTML5 code
  • Customizable Text or Image Logo Version
  • Several Social Media Icons
  • Futura font Add-on
  • Google Fonts Support (+500)
  • Typekit Ready
  • Upload your Own Font Files
  • Create Infinite Different Portfolio Pages
  • 3 Portfolio and Project Layout Preferences (Full-width, 1294px boxed, 940px boxed)
  • Built with HTML5 and CSS3
  • Easy Installation & Easy to Use
  • Lots of Different Advanced Custom Page Options
  • Google Analytics Ready
  • SEO Ready
  • Transparent Header or Solid Header
  • Full Screen/Transparent Home Page
  • Highly Customizable
  • Dynamic Contact Form
  • One-Click Install Sample Data
  • Lightbox Photo Gallery
  • and much more…

Support Policy

All tickets will be handled through our support forum:

LOOP Themes

Change log

Version 2.0* Added WooCommerce Integration. * Added 20 different Shop layout versions.* Included only in the live preview a random generator tool which randomly creates different Shop layouts.* Improved overall site performance and loading times up to 50% faster.* Fixed titles showing up in portfolio items when title field was empty.* Added label "Embedded Video" in the portfolio item gallery.* Fixed margin issue when menu was displayed.* When there is only one slider in the homepage don't display the slider controls.* Added option to change body font size to small or extra small.Version 1.7.0 * Added password protection in portfolio and portfolio item pages. * Fixed issue showing a plugin update badge in the admin. * Fixed an unwanted gap between portfolio thumbnails when the default browser scrollbar option was selected. * Fixed an issue which won't allow to upload logo/favicon if the image was previously deleted    while being selected within an admin field. * Fixed logo exceeding the header boundaries and covering other website areas. * Fixed scrolling issues in mobile.Version 1.6.1 * Fixed minor issues with contact form * Added new Boxed and Bordered One Click Installer OptionVersion 1.6.0 * Fixed a menu warning message. * Added gutter between portfolio and project images. * Added border and boxed page layout * Added portfolio columns up to 4 columnsVersion 1.5.2 * Deleted an unnecessary option in the One Click Demo Installer for the video version. * Fixed issue with "Email To" field in "Contact" template page not showing up.Version 1.5.1 * Fixed issue when scrolling on gallery items using a touchable screen/device.Version 1.5.0 * Added captions over the portfolio projects. * Added more social media links/icons. * Added the ability to view a project as a portfolio. * Added the ability to embed videos in portfolios. * Logo allows to specify margin-top and height for smaller screens. * Fixed retina logo issue. * Added customization for the home slider, delay, duration, animation type, stop in slide. * Added the ability to include Vimeo and Youtube background videos in home page. * Fixed issue with captions over portfolios and projects page in touchable screens. * Fixed issue with clicking portfolios with touchable screens. * Fixed bug endless loop when "open in a new tab". * Added option to invert hover effect on portfolio and project pages. * Added the ability to add captions to images project images when maximized. * Added the ability to force the background color contast for each page. * Translation Ready. * Added color filter for Video and Images in the home slider. * Added ability to customize the masonry portfolio by double height, double width or both. * Added 2 more header types with sub-variants. * Fixed contact form issues with some fields not appearing when receiving contact emails. * Added option to disable underline in titles. * Added option to make titles smaller. * Added sticky menu option. * Fixed a padding issue in portfolios when categories were included without content. * Addded the ability to display the default browser scroll bar.Version 1.0.1 * Fixed issue childtheme showing some warnings.Version 1.0.0 * Initial release

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