AdminBox is a AngularJs admin template included with SASS and Gruntjs tasks for development test and production (minifcation tasks). It includes awesome features all built with custom angular directivs and controllers, easy to change with a clean and simple layout.
Full documentation is also included
Feature list :
AngularJSscss filesGrunt tasksChartjs LibraryMorris chartsFlotchartsSparkline chartsGauge chartsBootstrap UI elementsForm validation and customizationAwesome single pagesPersonal page / User profileGoogle mapsVector mapsTask ManagerToastr notifications
Credits :
I would like to give the respective credits for all of these projects/libraries that helped in building this theme
3 April 2016
Update Angular to 1.5.3
Update npm and bower dependencies
24 March 2016
Update npm and bower dependencies
10 January 2015
Fixed bug with dynamic table
20 Februray 2015
Fixed bug with file upload field
Moved all dependencies to bower.json