Prism is a high quality theme with a great design interface and just the right amount of features to help you create your personal or agency portfolio with great animations, seamless page switching created with the latest web technology.
Attention to details
We wanted this theme to be as beatuful and user friendly as possible, so we added awesome CSS3 features like Blend modes, cool animations, mouse movement parallax, and a sci-fi inspired Neuron animation if you like that kind of direction for your portfolio. Of course all of this is optional and you can choose what and what not to use.Full screen slider
A full screen slider with all the possibilites. Add images, videos or just a flat color to your slides. On top of that add color or gradient overlays and choose between a variety of Blend modes just like in your favorite Image editor.Ajax site
Improve the site speed and user experience dramatically by loading only the dynamic content and smoothly browse between the pages10 page templates
Choose between a variety of page templates for your homepage or portfolio page, surely there must be one you will love.2 Map Version
If Google Map is to complex and you don’t like it’s design, than you can use a Custom Vector Map and add as many markers on it as you like100% Responsive
It does its job on each device, as it gets adapted automatically on Smartphone, Tablets and on Large Desktop Screens.Sliders are touch enabled so users can take advantage on touch devices.Highly Customizable
Prism provides a set of options which almost every theme requires, but its power comes from Pages.Each page has custom fields where you can configure each of them independently and built a site which presents your work on the best way.Minimal Design
Prism is built to showcase your works and will give your portfolio that extra look to amaze your visitors.2 different menu transitions
Fade in the menu which it’s liquid animation, or choose to transform it in which will transform out the contentFor Developers
Shipped with Advanced Custom Fields Pro with Custom Field packed on JSON which makes incredibly easy the process on adding new Custom FieldsLayout Hierarchy
Each layout lives on a separated script and extending or editing Prism is a cheesy thing because of that.The complete features list- 11 Page Templates
- Home Agency
- Home Photography
- Home Slider
- Home Portfolio
- Portfolio Columns
- 2 Columns
- 3 Columns
- 4 Columns
- Portfolio Horizontal
- Services
- Team
- Fullscreen team member image
- Squared team member image
- Blog
- Blog Default
- Blog Medium
- Default Page
- Contact
- Fullscreen home slider
- Configure each slide on home individually with (Image,Captions and Animation)
- Unbranded Options Panel
- Dynamic Page + Post Meta Boxes (Control Your Site on page basis)
- Responsive
- Written with WP Debug On
- Threaded Comments Support
- Drop-down menu support (nested menus)
- HTML W3C Valid
- Dummy Content Included
- Clean Design
- All Google Fonts Included
- All famous social networks included
- Child Theme Ready
- Short-code Generator (Build Shortcodes easy using our UI)
- Unlimited theme updates + lifetime support
- Google Maps
- Ajax Contact Form
- Rich Option Panel
- Built with Bootstrap
- Ajax Loading Site (only loads dynamic part’s which makes theme incredibly fast)
- HTML5 History Push State (even if user is going through site via AJAX browser history keeps working)
- Custom Shortcodes
- CSS3 Animations
- Filter Projects/Blog posts
- Smooth Scrolling
- Enable/Disable White Borders
- 2 Portfolio Layouts
- Responsive
- Advanced Overlay Options
- Solid Color
- Blend Mode
- Gradient
- Parallaxify
- On Scroll Animations
- Widget Ready
- Custom Widgets
1.4 Minor bug fix New menu style acf-json/group_541318aea8bc2.json assets/css/style.css assets/js/vh.js footer.php functions.php header.php style.css template-team.php1.3 Minor Bug Fix assets/css/style.css assets/js/script.js portfolio-default.php style.css template-home-agency.php template-home-portfolio.php template-portfolio-columns.php template-portfolio-horizontal.php template-team.php1.2 Fixed Settings Fixed Portfolio UI Fixed Safari Position Fixed Bugs assets/css/adjust.css assets/css/dynamic.php assets/css/style.css assets/img/no_thumb.jpg assets/js/ajax_site.js assets/js/script.js assets/js/vh.js content-single-blog-post-medium.php content-single-blog-post.php framework/acf/admin/updates/.DS_Store framework/acf/admin/views/.DS_Store framework/acf/fields/.DS_Store framework/acf/forms/.DS_Store framework/acf/inc/.DS_Store framework/acf/inc/select2/.DS_Store framework/acf/js/input/.DS_Store framework/post-types.php framework/ui-google-font/.gitignore framework/ui-google-font/acf-ui-google-font-v5.php framework/ui-slider/acf-ui-slider-v5.php framework/widgets/recent.php functions.php header.php index.php portfolio-case-study.php portfolio-default.php screenshot.jpg style.css template-blog-medium.php template-contact.php template-home-agency.php template-home-slider.php template-portfolio-columns.php template-portfolio-horizontal.php template-services.php template-team.php wpml-config.xml1.1 Fixed Arrays Issue