NC-Betimes Under Construction Template is Coming-Soon Page. NC-Betimes Under Construction Template Build on simple and easily to customize structure. NC-Betimes Under Construction Template use bootstrap grid system. NC-Betimes Under Construction Template come up with 2 different theme style and and 3 different version in every theme style. Its helps to introduce forum before launching web-site by background-image and playing forum sideshow. There are also introduction & contact pages available.
- HTML 5 & CSS3
- 6 different style option
- 2 different Theme Style
- 3 different Theme version
- 2 Navigation style Text and Icon
- Slideshow background
- Single-image background
- AJAX Contact form
- AJAX Subscription form
- Google Web-Fonts
- Optimized for all screen sizes
- Easy to Customize and nicely commented code
- Documentation Included
Files Included in Package
- All Require HTML files
- Google Fonts : Roboto
- Google Fonts : Oswald
- Google Fonts : Raleway
- Font Awesome
- Animate.css
- JQuery
- Tooltipster
- Backstretch
- Unsplash
Note : Images are not included in main source.