Magic is a fully responsive admin web app template with Bootstrap 3 and AngularJS. It uses Sass CSS which makes it easy to modify.
- Responsive Design – mobile-ready design adopt to any device
- Web App – single page application with Bootstrap and AngularJS. Fully AJAX powered, never refresh the entire page again. Faster, smoother, cooler.
- Internationalization – Internationalization (i18n) and Localization (l10n) support. Add English, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Korean for demo.
- Powerful Layout – multiple layouts to choose from
- Wide and boxed layout
- Vertical, horizontal and collapsed navigation (menu)
- Toggle for fixed top header and sidebar menu.
- Multiple Colors – 18 predefined color schemes and you can build your own by change a few variables.
- Clean JS Code – simple and clean JavaScript code
- Built with Sass – easy modification with variables
- Solid Workflow – solid workflow with Yeoman (GruntJS, Bower) just like Twitter Bootstrap project , make all things organized.
- Use whatever back end you prefer, Python, Ruby, PHP, NodeJS… you name it. It takes no assumption on your backend language.
- Bootstrap 3 – built with popular Bootstrap 3.x
- Work with jQuery – yes, you can use your favorite jQuery
- Retina Ready – better display on high-resolution devices
- Realtime Validation – realtime form validation
- Runnable Task App
- Tons of widgets and components.
- And much more.
- Bootstrap The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
- jQuery write less, do more.
- AngularJS HTML enhanced for web Apps!
- angular-bootstrap Native AngularJS (Angular) directives for Twitter’s Bootstrap.
- Yeoman, Twitter Bower, Grunt for modern web Apps.
- Font Awesome the awesome icon fonts.
- depositphotos Royalty-Free Stock Photos
Note: If you have any question, please feel free to contact me, I’ll be glad to help
Version 2.2.0
- Feat: Upgrade Bower components to latest version- Feat: Upgrade NPM packages to latest version.- Chore: Remove angular-ui-tree- Docs: Update documentation
Version 2.1.0 (02/06/2016)
- Feat: Add angular wizard form- Feat: Default "collapsed horizontal menu" layout support- Feat: Upgrade angular-bootstrap to 1.1.x- Fix: Remove confirmPassword in validation form as it's not used- Chore: Remove jquery-steps (use angular-wizard instead)- Chore: Remove seiyria-bootstrap-slider- Chore: Remove file upload- Docs: Update documentation
Version 2.0.0 (01/14/2016)
A BIG update to improve the quality of Magic admin! Happy new year
- Feat: New dashboard style- Feat: Completely restructure the admin (angular style guide)- Feat: Add ECharts- Feat: Add minimal panel style- Feat: Add animation for header dropdown- Fix: Align button with input box in input groups- Fix: Make invoice print page 100% height- Fix: Fix validateEquals directive- Fix: Fix button HTML file markup- Fix: Add SanitizeValueStrategy for angular-translate- Fix(Widgets): Align icons with text for panel box- Chore: Remove flot charts (Use ECharts instead)- Chore: Remove easy-pie-charts (Use ECharts instead)- Chore: Remove sparkline charts (Use ECharts instead)- Chore: Remove jvectormap- Chore: Remove style for jquery-spinner- Chore: Update i18n data- Chore: Remove weather-icons- Docs: Update documentation
Version 1.7.0 (12/29/2015)
- Feat: Upgrade angular-bootstrap to 0.14.x- Feat: Upgrade font-awesome to 4.5.x- Feat: Upgrade Bower components to latest version, including angular-scroll (1.0.x), seiyria-bootstrap-slider (5.3.x), angular-ui-tree (2.13.x)- Chore: Remove deprecated box-sizing prefix- Chore: Remove Google map sensor parameter as it's no longer required.
Version 1.6.0 (09/29/2015)
- Feat: Ugrade angular to 1.4.x- Feat: Ugrade angular-ui-calendar to 1.0.x- Feat: Upgrade angular-bootstrap to 0.13.x- Feat: Upgrade all Bower components to latest version- Feat: Upgrade NPM packages to latest version- Fix: Fix mail layout- Fix: Fix weird bottom space caused by TextAngular plugin
Version 1.5.0 (06/23/2015)
- Feat(Landing): Update landing copyright year, make it automatic- Fix: Fix light scheme sidebar active item style- Fix: Reset scroll position on a route change- Docs: Update docs
Version 1.4.1 (01/27/2015)
- Feat: Update Bower packages to latest version. Including font-awesome (v4.3.x), textAngualr (v1.3.x), ngmap (v1.3.x)- Chore: Update i18n data
Version 1.4.0 (01/20/2015)
- Feat: Switch from custom i18n module to angular-translate- Fix: Remove logo underline style after click in Opera- Fix: Fix simple tabs hover style - Fix: Fix dropdown button border radius- Docs: Update docs- Chores
Version 1.3.0 (12/06/2014)
- Feat: Upgrade angular-bootstrap to 0.12.x- Feat: Upgrade weather-icons, bootstrap-slider, jevctormap, fullcalendar to latest version- Feat(Landing): Use SVG instead of CSS to create italic section border- Feat: Upgrade NPM packages to the latest version- Fix: Remove ugly sidebar item underline style when focused
Version 1.2.0 (11/21/2014)
- Feat: Add Landing page- Docs: Update documentation
Version 1.1.1 (11/15/2014)
- Fix: Fix fullscreen page style on mobile, thanks @paiwan- Fix: Update calendar to make it work with latest angularJS version- Fix: Update media component markup to fix media style in admin header- Chore: Change table on dashboard to responsive one- Chore: Change profile image
Version 1.1.0 (11/13/2014)
- Initial release