ImgBlog is a simple & Clean, pixel perfect responsive Wordpress theme for writers & personal blog.
ImgBlog have 7 post formats and plugins pagebuilder for build page you like.
- Bootstrap 3
- 7 post formats
- 3 Template
- Contact Form
- Fully Responsive.
- Per page header images
- Css3 & HTML5.
- Theme Options.
- Social Ready.
- Private System.
- Owl Slider.
- WP menu system.
- Widgetized sidebar.
- Background Widgetized sidebar.
- PicJumbo
- font-awesome
- glyphicons
- icon – rondo
- IcoMoon.
- Iconic
- Entypo.
- Page Builder Plugin | SiteOrigin.
- zepto.
- bootstrap.
- Owl carousel.
- jQuery.
- Nice Scroll.
- update 3 dec 14- fixed on mobile- fixed responsive- fixed header none message to top 0- add message footer