4MAT is a beautiful, modern blogging design. It’s clean, flat and beautiful grid based template.
- 12 Fully Layered Adobe Photoshop .PSD files
- Modern Wide Design
- PSD Well Organized, with named layers and groups
- Clean and Modern Style
- Pixel Perfect
- Easy to Customize
PSD Files:
- 4MATHomepage.psd
- 4MATCategory.psd
- 4MATpostarticle.psd
- 4MATpostarticle+sidebar.psd
- 4MATpostaside.psd
- 4MATpostaudio.psd
- 4MATpostchat.psd
- 4MATpostgallery.psd
- 4MATpostimage.psd
- 4MATpostlink.psd
- 4MATpostquote.psd
- 4MATpostvideo.psd
- Montserrat – http://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Montserrat
- PT Serif- https://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/PT+Serif
- FontAwesome – http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/
- Dashicons – http://melchoyce.github.io/dashicons/
All images used are from: http://www.imcreator.com/free & http://unsplash.com/ Free for commercial use.
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