SHINBUN - A multipurpose Drupal 7 template

SHINBUN - A multipurpose Drupal 7 template

promo kinoaShinbun is a portfolio and blog Drupal 7 theme based on bootstrap. It is 100% responsive, very simple and clean, easy and simple to edit, created with an installation profile and custom content types for easier management by non-technical users.

The theme has a set of features that allow to customize the final look of the website including :

- 5 Homepage options- Color customization (change to any color combination)- Revolution slider- Shortcodes for more than 30 elements in the website including all icons, bootstrap features, highlights and more- A wide set of fonts to choose from (Google fonts)- Hundreds of icons provided with the fontawesome API- 3 Blog types (3 column, 4 column and masonry)- 4 Porfolio pages (2 column, 3 column, 4 column) and also an ajax featured portfolio section on the homepage- Team page- Pricing page- Chart js library included

A wide set of javascript and CSS functions to use without coding one word like : - Accordion effects- Tooltips- Popovers - Progress bars- Alert messages- Fuild grid system- much more



26 April 2016

Made the theme compatible with Features 2.x

30 March 2016

 Updated Drupal core modules and theme dependencies

23 June 2015

 Updated Drupal core
 Updated modules with all security updates

02 February 2015

Fixed revolution slider detail bug
Provided documentation how to update and create new Slideshows for front page

21 October 2014

 Updated core
 Updated ckeditor

24 August 2014

 Fixed ckeditor issues

10 August 2014

 Updated Drupal core to the latest version
Updated modules to the latest version
Fixed issues with soundcloud field

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