PINKMALION is a clean and versatile HTML template. Contain all templates you need for a blog or a magazine websites (home page, category listing, single post), but also the modules used on a corporate website or portfolio. The template use a dark color scheme what make it great for any color contrast, according to your visual identity. The code is easy to be modified and is well commented.
- Fully Responsive
- Valid HTML code
- 6 Home page layouts (Masonry, Magazine, Blog etc)
- 17 page templates
- Infinity Slider (premium 9$ value)
- Flexslider slideshow
- Colorbox lightbox for images, gallery and video
- Working PHP contact form with validator
- 369 Vector icons (Font Awesome) included
- Ready styles for blogging platform
- Full browsers compatibility
- Pricing Tables
- CSS3 animations
- Masonry portfolio
- Sortable portfolio
- Left / right sidebar
- Full width page template
- Custom mobile menu version
- Full width video sliders
In the download package, the live demo images are replaced with blank place holder images.Pinkmalion WordPress Theme