Some websites using Pluto:
Image Copy ProtectionNobody wants their hard work stolen. With a simple checkbox in admin you can enable a unique and smart Photo Protection from copying. You can even set a text you want to display if tries to save the image. Simple as that! | ||
Powerful admin optionsWith our powerful admin options panel you can customize colors, fonts, styles, backgrounds of your blog with a click of a button. It’s that simple! | ||
Menu & Sidebar PositionsYou can change your sidebar and menu positions. It can be on top, left, right. When menu is on top you can even choose a style, it could be compact or bigger size. | ||
Create Reviews & RatingsLet’s say you are a professional reviewer and want to post a review of a product or recipe with star ratings – you can do so with Pluto. | ||
Multiple AD locationsMonetize your blog with ads all over it, select ads you want and upload image or just paste in the script you get from ad network. It’s that simple! | ||
Ads between postsYou can even put ads between specific posts, just select an ad type to be image or just paste a script from ad network, select post numbers you want ads to be located after. | ||
Unique Reading ModeGive your visitors an ability to read your content in a stress free environment, with a click of a button, everthing except of the post contents and share buttons dissapears, and users can read articles without any distructions. | ||
Multiple Post FormatsPost formats allow you to select the look of your post depending on the content you want to show there: standard, aside, image, video, audio, quote, link or gallery. | ||
Translation ReadyPluto comes with .po and .mo files necessary for translating every single element on the site to you language | ||
Unique QR GeneratorGive your users an ability to quickly switch from desktop to mobile reading. Click “Read on mobile” link and scan the qr code to continue reading on your tablet or smartphone. | ||
SEO OptimizedEvery piece of code is optimized for faster performance and semantic layout to satisfy every search engine requirements. | ||
User Profiles, PublishingAllow your visitors to register, login and publish post to build a content. They can also send a message and follow one another. | ||
Social MediaSocial media buttons on top, bottom and side of each posts. Everybody knows that the more social coverage your blog gets – the higher it is in search results. | ||
Developers will love itDevelopers will love it! Pluto utilises popular Bootstrap framework along with LESS css processor, so editing stylesheets can’t be easier. | ||
Working Contact PagePluto comes with a working contact form, provided by contact form 7 plugin. (see example) | ||
Fully ResponsivePluto works great on mobile devices and desktops. Offset side menu is super handy when it comes to mobile devices. | ||
Child Theme SupportPluto can be extended using a child theme, you can make modifications to child theme php that won’t be overwritten by updates. How cool is that! |
Ready to use Color Schemes
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Almond See Example Subtle & milky color scheme with an inspirational sidemenu background. | Black & White See Example Flat black & white skin is great for any kind of blog, it can make your blog stand out of the crowd and be remembered by your visitors. | |
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Blue Sky See Example The default skin which will be a perfect solution for a neutral blog, it has modern and clean design with elegant shadows and subtle gradients. | Sakura See Example This style shows how much flexibility Pluto has, you can pretty much customize every single element, using only wordpress. | |
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Dark Night See Example Perfect skin for dark theme lovers could fit unusual websites, technology related or something about games. | Grey Clouds See Example Subtle & milky color scheme with an inspirational sidemenu background. | |
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Pinkman See Example Perfect fit for women blog or something related to cosmetics or female targeted website. | Retro Orange See Example Subtle & milky color scheme with an inspirational sidemenu background. | |
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Mighty Slate See Example Subtle & milky color scheme with an inspirational sidemenu background. | Clear White See Example Subtle & milky color scheme with an inspirational sidemenu background. | |
The most easy to use personal blog theme ever built
Theme Pluto is a perfect theme for casual bloggers. It can be used for a cooking website, family blog, technology blog, personal blog or any other kind of blog which is simple to setup and use.
Unique features like QR code scanner and reading mode will make your site to stand out. It also has multiple pagination options including popular infinite scroll. Embedding YouTube or Vimeo videos is super easy, image gallery, quotes, self hosted audio files or soundCloud links are supported by this gorgeous theme. You can even write reviews and post ratings to your posts!
The latest update has added an option to sell your products using this theme, because this theme now supports WooCommerce plugin, which will allow you to setup an online ecommerce shop super easy!
On top of that there are $70 worth of plugins included for free. UserPro, Mega Main Menu, Visual Composer, Private Messaging premium plugins are included.
Features of Pluto
- Responsive template
- Retina ready design
- Multiple Color Schemes
- Easy to setup
- Personal Blog Ready
- Fully customizable
- Image Lightbox
- Masonry Layout
- Infinite Scroll
- Custom Backgrounds
- Side menu
- Pinterest style
- Black and White
- Related Posts
- Top 10 rating
- jQuery
- Bootstrap 3
- Works great on mobile devices
- Slide out navigation
- Ajax Contact Form
- 660 Google Web Fonts
- Adobe Typekit Fonts
- Translation Ready
- Unlimited Layouts
- Unlimited Colors
- Multiple Blog Layouts
- Contact form 7 support
- SEO Optimized
- Extensive Documentation
- Regular Updates
- Arabic and Hebrew languages support
- RTL right to left languages support
- Multilingual support and translatable
- eCommerce WooCommerce plugin support for easy online shop
- User profiles
- User registration, login and post publishing features
What our Clients Say:
Update Log
March 10th, 2016
UPDATED: Included plugins
January 5nd, 2016
UPDATED: Included plugins
November 14nd, 2015
UPDATED: Included plugins
V 2.1.1 April 2nd, 2015
FIXED: Renamed theme folder to unique name, which should fix the issue when theme is showing an "Update Available" message and updates itself with a different theme but with the same folder name from a Wordpress Repository. Make sure you DO NOT use the "Update Available" button on the Themes page, instead - all theme updates should be handled by uploading/replacing your current theme's folder.
V 2.1.1 April 2nd, 2015
UPDATED: UserPro plugin version
V 2.1 January 19th, 2015
ADDED: ability to change menu opening trigger by hover or clickADDED: Sidebar can now be toggled on/off on smaller screens
V 2.0.1 November 24th, 2014
ADDED: Hero header can now be used on all of the template typesADDED: Rounded corners for post images
V 2.0 November 10th, 2014
ADDED: option to change top menu “compact" logo sizeADDED: a restriction to change theme “options” in admin for administrators onlyADDED: page view counter for posts on index pagesADDED: option to change layout type for category, search and author's archive pagesADDED: option to output a specific category on a custom masonry pageADDED: option to set a headboard background with some text for a pageADDED: vkontakte to a list of share iconsUPDATED: UserPro pluginUPDATED: UserPro Messaging plugin
V 1.9.1 October 18th, 2014
FIXED: Pinterest share link issueUPDATED: Visual ComposerUPDATED: User ProUPDATED: Mega Main Menu
V 1.9 September 4th, 2014
ADDED: 3 new layout typesADDED: layout type with author avatarADDED: Fixed pagination issueFIXED: Fixed gallery loading & image lightbox on infinite scroll pagesUPDATED: Visual ComposerUPDATED: User Pro
V 1.8.4 August 7th, 2014
UPDATED: Visual Composer to 4.3.2UPDATED: UserProUPDATED: UserPro Messaging
V 1.8.3 July 31st, 2014
FIXED: Read more link on long quotesADDED: Option to select a featured slider top or disable it completelyADDED: Option to turn on/off advert on top for index pages
V 1.8.2 July 28th, 2014
ADDED: Reviews and Ratings for postsFIXED: sticky posts on featured items
V 1.7.1 July 23th, 2014
FIXED: next/prev links on gallery formatFIXED: Share link on infinite scroll paged elementsFIXED: Social share icons now point to specific posts instead of homepageADDED: Ads between postsADDED: New layout type for posts with featured imagesADDED: Back to top link when scrolling
V 1.7 July 20th, 2014
ADDED: WooCommerce SupportADDED: Wistia video supportFIXED: QR Code generator on pages in reading mode not workingFIXED: Pagination on category and search pages
V 1.6.2 July 16th, 2014
ADDED: Image post format supportADDED: New “compact" header styleADDED: Option to select excerpt lengthADDED: New color scheme “Retro Orange”ADDED: New color scheme “Mighty Slate”FIXED: Fixed the link on related posts under the single post.FIXED: Top menu now auto closes other open menus when clicked
V 1.6.1 July 11th, 2014
ADDED: You can now disable author box under single postADDED: Set of options to control what to show/hide on index page posts (social, title, excerpt, date, author name, likes)ADDED: Option to enable comments on “Pages”FIXED: Appearance of the “Related Posts” when there is not image for it.FIXED: Fixed Featured image for gallery post typeFIXED : Missing translating strings
V 1.6 July 9th, 2014
NEW: Added RTL (right-to-left) languages support (hebrew, arabic etc...)
V 1.5.7 July 7th, 2014
NEW: Added fonts support.NEW: Added more color settings for postNEW: Added ajax pagination (infinite load by button click)NEW: Added new colors schemeNEW: Added logo font size settingsIMPROVED: Improved theme performance
V 1.5.5 July 4th, 2014
NEW: Added new color scheme (Almond Milk)NEW: Added new color scheme (Grey Clouds)NEW: Added option to show a primary sidebar on masonry pageNEW: Added option to disable ads on mobile devicesFIX: Fixed reading mode on pagesFIX: other small fixes and adjustments
V 1.5 July 3rd, 2014
NEW: Added categories under the post.NEW: Added option to admin to disable featured image on single postsNEW: Added option to admin to set a width for a single post layoutNEW: Added option to admin to enable/disable categories on a masonry layoutFIX: Fixed styling for tags and categories when many of those are used for postFIX: Fixed author posts page - first post was missingFIX: Fixed isotope loading draft postsFIX: Fixed social icons under the post sizingFIX: Fixed image alignment left, right and center
V 1.3 – June 27th, 2014
NEW: Option to disable social sharing icons NEW: Option to disable the hover effect and icon for images NEW: Infinite Scroll
V 1.2.2 – June 24th, 2014
NEW: Color scheme Sakura IMPROVED: More font size settings for menu, headings and base font
V 1.2.1 – June 22th, 2014
NEW: Color scheme Pinkman IMPROVED: Option to wrap widgets with padded boxes
V 1.2 – June 20th, 2014
NEW: Color scheme Pinkman IMPROVED: Option to wrap widgets with padded boxes
V 1.1.1 – June 18th, 2014
NEW: Added ads placements to sidebars and header NEW: Added logo size customizer FIXED: Improved support for older PHP version
V 1 – June 16th, 2014
OFFICIAL RELEASEOne of a kind masonry grid template with unique ajax filtering and incredible attention to details. This gorgeous blog theme comes with a set of pre-defined styles that will help you get started with a topic you want to blog about. Unique user membership features like registration, login and article submission will help you create an engaging community around your blog. Each user can bookmark articles they like. Theme supports many popular plugins for each topic industry you pick, like special features for recipe blog (ingredients, cooking directions etc) or product reviews with ratings and editor review where you can list pros and cons of each product along with a rating for each product attribute. Theme also supports multiple post formats like: standard, image, gallery, video, audio and more.