Horizillax is a unique horizontal parallax based single page, responsive, HTML template. Horizillax can be used for any business, corporate, portfolio, products, marketing, etc. This template is perfect for creative designers, artists, photographers. It is very easy to setup and use.

Main Features
- HTML5 and CSS3 Validated
- Twitter Bootstrap Framework
- One Page Design
- Responsive Template
- Easy to Setup
- Multilevel Dropdown Menu
- Horizontal Parallax
- Smooth Parallax Animation
- Unlimited Parallax images
- Options to set the position, stack order etc for each Parallax element
- Parallax on Mouse Move (option to enable/disable)
- Preloader
- 10 Page Templates
- Custom inner page templates for Parallax, About, Portfolio etc
- Portfolio (2, 3 and 4 columns layout)
- Filterable Portfolio (with jQuery isotope)
- Post Formats
- 4 Color Variations
- Clean, Fully commented Code
- Font Awesome Icons
- Clean, Modern, Flat Design
- Includes demo contents and illustrations used in the “live demo”
- Extensive Documentation
Open source projects- Bootstrap by Twitter
- Font Awesome by Dave Gandy
- Social Buttons for Bootstrap
- jQuery http://www.jquery.com/
- jQuery modernizr http://modernizr.com/
- Bootstrap 3 http://getbootstrap.com/
- BxSlider http://bxslider.com/
- Respond.js https://github.com/scottjehl/Respond
- Magnific Popup http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/
- jQuery Equal Height Columns https://github.com/PaulSpr/jQuery-Equal-Height-Columns/
- NanoScroller http://jamesflorentino.github.io/nanoScrollerJS/
- Pace http://github.hubspot.com/pace/
- Animate Enhanced https://github.com/benbarnett/jQuery-Animate-Enhanced