Square - Responsive Admin App with AngularJS

Square - Responsive Admin App with AngularJS


Square is a fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap and AngularJS.


  • Responsive Web Design
  • Powerful Layout with multiple layouts to choose from
  • Multiple Color Schemes and you can build your own by change a few variables
  • Single Page Application with Bootstrap and AngularJS
  • Internationalization support
  • Angular style guide
  • Built with Sass CSS, easy modification with variables
  • Solid Workflow with Yeoman (Grunt, Bower) just like Bootstrap project
  • Tons of widgets and components
  • Runnable Task App
  • Work with jQuery
  • And much more.



Note: If you have any question, please feel free to contact me, I’ll be glad to help


- Feat: Upgrade Bower components to latest version, including angular (1.5.x), font-awesome (4.6.x), angular-bootstrap (1.3.x), angular-translate (2.11.x)- Feat: Upgrade NPM packages to latest version- Chore: Remove angular-ui-tree- Docs: Update documentation 

VERSION 3.0.0 (02/08/2016)

A BIG update to improve the quality of Square admin!Note: There isn’t a LESS css version for now.

- Feat: Add powerful layouts options- Feat: Add color schemes (18 predefined color schemes)- Feat: Add ECharts- Feat: Add Angular form wizard- Feat: Upgrade angular-bootstrap to 1.1.x- Feat: Upgrade angular-translate to 2.9.x- Feat: Upgrade other Bower components to latest version as well.- Feat: New dashboard style- Style: Update UI Kit- Chore: Remove Morris charts (use ECharts instead)- Chore: Remove flot charts (use ECharts instead)- Chore: Remove easy pie charts (use ECharts instead)- Chore: Remove gauge charts (use ECharts instead)- Chore: Remove sparkline charts- Chore: Remove Vector map- Docs: Update documentation

VERSION 2.1.0 (12/30/2015)

- Feat: Upgrade angular-bootstrap to 0.14.x- Feat: Upgrade font-awesome to 4.5.x- Feat: Upgrade Bower components to latest version, including seiyria-bootstrap-slider (5.3.x), jqvmap (1.4.x), angular-loading-bar (0.8.x), angular-scroll (1.0.x), angular-translate (2.8.x)- Fix: Update jqvmap file path- Fix: replace buggy validateEquals with angular-validation-match- Fix: Update bootstrap font to fix missing font file error- Fix: Make invoice print work again- Fix: Update dashboard i18n markup- Chore: Remove Google map sensor parameter as it's no longer required- Chore: remove deprecated box-sizing mixin- Chore: Remove jquery-spinner- Chore: Upgrade NPM packages to latest version

VERSION 2.0.1 (10/06/2015)

- Feat: Upgrade bower components to latest version.- Fix: Fix a Typo- Refactor: Refactor some JS, HTML code 

VERSION 2.0.0 (10/04/2015)

- Feat: Completely rewrite the app with JavaScript- Feat: Upgrade bower components to latest version, including angular (1.4.x), angular-bootstrap (0.13.x), font-awesome (4.4.x)...- Feat: Upgrade NPM packages to latest version- Feat: Change i18n module to angular-translate (2.7.x)- Feat: Add loader- Docs: Update documentation

VERSION 1.6.0 (02/02/2015)

- Feat: Upgrade Bower packages to latest version, including ngular-bootstrap (0.12.x), font-awesome (4.3.x), seiyria-bootstrap-slider (4.4.x), gauge.js (1.2.x), weather-icons (1.3.x), textAngular (1.3.x), angular-ui-tree - Feat: Upgrade NPM packages to latest version- Fix: Remove link underline when actived or focused- Docs: Update docs

VERSION 1.5.0 (11/20/2014)

- Feat: Upgrade Bootstrap to 3.3.x- Feat: Upgrade font-awesome, toast, query-steps, weather-icons, ngmap to the latest version- Feat: Upgrade "seiyria-bootstrap-slider" to latest version, i.e. 4.0.1- Feat: Update NPM packages to latest version- Fix: Hide select arrow in Firefox 30+, thanks @calidae- Chore: Update index.html to make it HTML5 valid- Chore: Allow you also to run it with "grunt serve" 

VERSION 1.4.0 (08/01/2014)

- Feat: Upgrade angular-bootstrap to 0.11.x- Feat: Better forgot password and 500 page on mobile- Fix: Update table markup, remove buggy responsive table by Zurb- Fix: Fix tags input style on IE11- Fix: Prevent menu list multiple click firing bug- Fix: Change cursor to pointer when hover over radio button, checkbox, rating, select- Chore: Fix a typo- Chore: Clean up

VERSION 1.3.0 (07/01/2014)

- Feat: Upgrade Bootstrap to 3.2.x- Feat: Better timeline on mobile- Feat: Upgrade font awesome to 4.1.x- Feat: Upgrade ngmap to 0.6.x- Docs: Update docs- Chore: Update invoice page style

VERSION 1.2.2 (06/04/2014)

- Feat: Allowing user to add custom JS files in scripts folder- Chore: Fix a typo

VERSION 1.2.1 (05/01/2014)

- Fix: Fix textAngular 404 error caused by its new version- Chore: Clean up bower.json file

VERSION 1.2.0 (05/05/2014)

- Feat: Add LESS CSS (Now you can use Scss or LESS)- Fix: Fix left menu can not scroll on mobile bug- Fix: Better top header layout on phone- Docs: Update docs- Chore: Update i18n

VERSION 1.1.0 (04/29/2014)

- Feat: Add forgot password page- Feat: Add invoice page- Feat: Add tags input- Feat: Add scrollable box- Feat: Add ribbons- Feat: Add more buttons

VERSION 1.0.0 (04/23/2014)

- Initial release

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