Fashion is a package of Best Premium Multipurpose Shopify Themes designed and developed by ThemeForest’s Top Elite Author. This new theme is responsive, mobile compliance. W3C, HTML5, CSS3 strictly valid and compatible. Theme has custom design for: fashion shoes, coats, apparel, clothes store, electronic, hightech, mobile, phones store, swimwear, swimming clothes store, home decoration, interior and furniture store.
- This ecommerce store theme has multi-purpose, 4+ unique layout and colors, minimalist style, parallax effect
- Bootstrap 3 based, CSS3, SASS, SCSS, mega menu (megamenu) feature, multi-layout, product landing page, blog and cms pages, SEO boost. parallax slideshow.
- Product page has color swatches, advanced filter products navigation in ajax.
- Newsletter subscription is showing on popup.
- The design is creative, unique, clean, tradional, classic style, luxury, simplicity, minimal, UX friendly.
One of the most popular, trending and bestselling themes for Shopify eCommerce.
Fashion theme is made by a Shopify Experts:
Included in the purchase package:
- Theme package to install on your Shopify store
- Detailed installation & user guide documentation.
Responsive Design
Fluid width: Design is optimized for all the most popular screen resolutions. When screen is resized, design elements are transformed smoothly on each breakpoint (from 320 to 1680 pixels) in order to adapt to the current resolution
Drop-down Menu
Well responsive and mobile friendly.
Slideshow Module
- Showing beautiful slideshow image and many orther configs
- Free upload images
- Well responsive and mobile friendly
- Showing icon Quick Shop for each product in the home page, collection page, product page, search page.
- Help customer quickly view product details, select options and Add to cart
Including system modules useful for latest news, tags
Product image effect
Adding Zoom and LightBox image effect in product page
Featured Categories:
- Showing many items with Scrolling Panell
- Well responsive and mobile friendly
Featured Products:
- Well responsive and mobile friendly
- Support add product to your wish list
- Easily add to cart from the wish list
Build on Bootstrap Twitter 3
- 100% Responsive: Looks good on Mobile, Tablet and PC
- Fluid grid system 20 columns
Main Features:
- Configuring background and color for header, content, footer and some other modules easily
- Mini drop down login
- Mini drop down cart
- Showing popup message when add to cart
- Custom logo, favicon upload easily
- Supporting multiple currencies
- Supporting Stay Update with Mailchimp
- Supporting Sort by in collection page, search page, all product page
- Supporting List and Grid in collection page, search page, all product page
- Working Contact form with Google Map
- Related Product with slider effect
- Easy social sharing buttons on products
- Style customer area
- Style checkout area
- Faster page loads with image lazy loading
- Integration with the Google Web Fonts library
- Apply google rick snippet
- Custom effect for product image
- Beautiful typography
- Detailed documentation
Version 1.3 - 2014-06-10:- Fix collection image- Support retina logoVersion 1.2 - 2014-06-10:- Add more storeVersion 1.1 - 2014-05-12:- Fix bug for sortingVersion 1.0 - 2014-04-08:- Initial release
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