Alpine - Responsive One Page Parallax Drupal Theme

Alpine - Responsive One Page Parallax Drupal Theme

Video how to install with Install profile

Alpine is a bootstrap one page parallax Drupal theme. Ultra responsive and easy to customize with a portfolio filters and the project expander is the best solutions for the Creatives, Web agency and more.

Alpine WordpressAlpineHTML

Alpine version 3.0 comes with MD Awecontent module.

Alpine drupal theme update 3.0Alpine drupal themeAlpine drupal themeAlpine drupal themeAlpine drupal themeAlpine drupal themeAlpine drupal theme Alpine drupal theme Alpine drupal theme Alpine drupal theme Alpine drupal theme Alpine drupal theme Alpine drupal theme Alpine drupal theme

Theme features

  • Endless possibilites With the advanced styling customization features, you can create endless possibilities by changing navigation styles, backgrounds for each section(header,sections, parallax,footer,etc..) with colors,images or patterns.
  • Ultra Responsive Alpine is 100% responsive, each and every element including the awesome slider are fully responsive.
  • Parallax Sections Alpine is built using Parallax javascript. This enables to make your site more appealing and creative. All are customable via theme settings.
  • Custom Backgrounds Alpine allows you to set a custom background for each section. A super-quick way to get creative with your site. Parallax sections makes your page more beautiful.
  • 6 Color Skins Alpine include 6 skins color version. You can create new one very easy. They have separate css files
  • 4 Home Section versions Alpine includes 4 header versions. You can customize each of them very easy. You can choose between maximage fullscreen slider, pattern flexslider, youtube video background or MD Fullscreen slider.
  • Isotope Portfolio We create a fullwidth 4 columns portfolio, that never breaks rows. Always display properly. We guarantee this!
  • Ajax project expander Alpine also integrates AJAX functionality for Portfolio section. It also supports media like youtube, vimeo, etc. For create the detail pages of the portfolio, you can choose from 2 different template
  • Browser Compatibility This template supports all the major browsers including IE9+, Chrome, Safari, Firefox.
  • Easily custom from admin theme settings page.
  • Easily choose Google Fonts/Typekit theme in theme settings page.
  • Customable 404 Page
  • Demo install profile
  • Drupal 7.x
  • Documentation We include the detailed documentation on how to use the theme and it’s features. If your still have any problems, queries, bugs, issues, requests. You can post your question here


Change logs

7.x-3.0 (Aug 26th, 2015)

Update to brand new version with MD AweContent builderThis does not support update from old version. If you use older version and works well, please don't update.Update from old version: Need to replace theme folder, add new module and install features module (like manual install)

7.x-2.7 (Feb 10th, 2015)

Upgrade drupal core and contributes modules.Upgrade MD Fullscreen Slider for new media module.Fix parallax blocks template.Fix undefined variables in some templates files.Fix buttons effects in Chrome.Added: Simple Page Builder.

7.x-2.6 (July 4th, 2014)

Update select animation for block title and content.Fix undefined variable bugs.Fix css bugs services descriptions more than 4 items.Fix css user-image in blog section.Button link in header, project can be null.Fix portfolio change layout.Fix logo retina, favicon.Fix circular pie chart counting correctly.

7.x-2.5 (June 24th, 2014)

New: select animation for block title and content.Fix undefined variable bugs.Fix css bugs services descriptions more than 4 items.Fix css user-image in blog section.

7.x-2.4 (May 23rd, 2014)

Include Sub Theme.Fix menu to compatible with Superfish module.Fix responsive mobile css.Update demo install profile.

7.x-2.3 (May 10th, 2014)

Fix messages display all pages.Fix favicon custom pathFix header slide navigationFix button hover effect in IEFix minor html/css codeUpdate Drupal 7.28 and modules

7.x-2.2 (April 9th, 2014)

Change Flexslider to Owl carousel in Services, Feedback, CustomerFix Portfolio Display in Mobile DevicesFix Menu Mobile DisplayFix CSS  Responsive

7.x-2.1 (April 3rd, 2014)

- Security bug fix

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