POMP Landing Page PSD - APP Showcase + BONUS

POMP Landing Page PSD - APP Showcase + BONUS

POMP PSD – Makes it easy to create a perfect for:

1. APP Showcase page.
2. Launch page for your company.
3. single page portfolio website.
4. Online CV or Resume

As a Bonus you get a FULLY EDITABLE PSD for Coming Soon / Maintenance /Under Construction page.

Focus on getting more Subscription
Text section which can be used for About us or Intro
Testimonials slider
Text or image slider
Contact us with or without google map.
Highly customizable, you can change all colors with a few clicks!
Filterable Portfolio
Custom Google Maps
Designed for Bootstrap 3.0
Bonus: FREE Under Construction Page PSD

Pomp PSD is designed using bootstrap 3.0 grid.

All demo images/icons & fonts are available for download from the links provided in the documentation. Demo images are replaced with placeholder images and also shape layers to make it easy to tweak if required.

If you need any extra features or elements designed for this theme please make a request I will be happy to help you.

PLEASE RATE THIS FILE Please rate this file.


Images used are from unsplash.com & picjumbo.com
Icons from http://dribbble.com/shots/1201666-Free-Flat-Icons
Maps from http://snazzymaps.com/
A special thanks to Jonathan Ogden for the portfolio items http://dribbble.com/ogvidius
Dummy text from http://www.cipsum.com/