Hideo | HTML5 Bootstrap Website Template

Hideo | HTML5 Bootstrap Website Template

little neko bootstrap website template

good design… good customizability… good support… good… good… good :-)
Little neko 5 stars premium website templates akkaza
Very sleek, clean, functional design. I love it!
Little neko 5 stars premium website templates thmarketing
Nice & flexible template. Good customer support (very important).
Little neko 5 stars premium website templates ManaForgeGames
Works like a charme, easy customization, great results and last but not least superb support… keep on the good work!! A+++
Little neko 5 stars premium website templates maverick_ita_82
Awesome template! No problems installing and configuring. Congratulations!
Little neko 5 stars premium website templates guischumacher
I second the good words for this theme. This is perfect for both hobbyists and SME corporate websites alike. The over dozen color choices provided by default with this theme are great; not that other themes do not provide choices, but these colors themes are very well crafted. And the carousels are just awesome.
Little neko 5 stars premium website templates shemz
Not only is this the best template I have ever purchased but the support is top notch! There hasn’t been one question left unanswered! The author is very friendly and eager to help! I highly recommend this template/author to everyone!
Little neko 5 stars premium website templates adam85
Easy to implement, nice structured sources – I love it. I bought it for one of my clients, but will use for myself -> great job!
Little neko 5 stars premium website templates pappelhomie
I’m really impressed with how easy this theme has been to use, as well as its level of customization. Support for my questions has been fast and helpful.
Little neko 5 stars premium website templates relaena

little neko bootstrap website template

Hideo Multipurpose HTML5/CSS3 Responsive Website Template

HIDEO is a clean, mobile first and easy to use multipurpose website template, built with easy customization in mind. It comes with more than 45 page templates, 10 color schemes, dark and light version.

Based on Twitter Bootstrap framework, a sleek, intuitive, and powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development, it comes with dozens of components ready to use (tabs, menus, alert boxes, princing tables, rounded images, etc…). We also included some extra shortcode (Little Neko framework) to help you customize your website.

All elements of the design can be set to any color in an easy way. We provided you with 10 colors schemes to start with.

  • Functionnal contact form (Little Neko contact form)
  • Google map
  • Revolution Premium Slider (12$ value)
  • Clean minimal Pop up
  • Free textures pack
  • Easy to use ultra-responsive carousel plugin
  • Retina ready UI
  • Custom icons fonts set, easy to expand with hundred of icons
  • Social share plugin
  • Fast and accurate support
  • and more…

Google WebFonts

Roboto http://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Roboto

JS Plugins

Revolution Slider http://codecanyon.net/item/slider-revolution-responsive-jquery-plugin/2580848
Isotope http://isotope.metafizzy.co/
Easing http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/
Owl carousel http://owlgraphic.com/owlcarousel/
Camera slider by Pixedelic http://www.pixedelic.com/plugins/camera/
Magnific Pop up http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/
Little Neko AJAX Contact Form http://little-neko.com

Demo images (NOT included in the package)


More from the Nekos

Thank you for your interest in our theme, please leave us feedback on TF and if you like it, dont forget to rate it! :)



- Update social share system
- fixed a bug with google map one page template
- added social share to blog single post

- fixed bug on rollover IPAD (event propagation)
- fixed a bug with scrollLinks and onepage nav
- removed unused declaration in color.css (#home, #noSliderWrapper)
- fixed HTML5 video issue with fixed menu
- fixed mosaic and pop-up issue (modified magnific popup)
- update missing youTube video for demo

- added HTML5 video
- fixed iPad width issue on home7.html
- updated contact form plugin
- removed float left on megamenu lists

- forced .infoWindow color in google map for dark versions.
- added .img-responsive { width:100%; } for “mobile testing” by reducing the size of firefox browser
- fixed mega menu submenus not showing on mobile
- removed unusued references to layer slider in some colors files
- removed unusued references to IE7 icons CSS

- fixed missing parallax script in contact-3
- fixed menu blink in One page version
- fixed icon html example in Feature
- fixed .tagCloud a:hover class

- fixed content over sub-menu on One page Mobile
- fixed call to action box
- fixed z-index on “toTop” button
- fixed styles for header 4 and header 5 menus
- added FAQ option 2
- added google map Satellite view option
- added 3 “About us” layouts
- added 3 “Contact” layouts
- added 3 “Team” layouts
- added parallax header layout
- optimize link area in portfolio for better behaviour on touch devices

- update to bootstrap 3.1.1
- updated documentation
- change submenu width to handle a little largeur menu width
- fixed extra margin on fixedheader sub menu in style 5
- optimized menu responsiveness

- fixed header in image.php (neko-contact-ajax-plugin)
- updated documentation

- fixed social icon display in team boxes
- fixed owl carousel issue on mobile for one page layout

- modified videowrapper to fit video size
- fixed bug megamenu responsive
- added 5 header options
- updated documentation

- update documentation (animations)
- update rollover effect (optimized for iPad)
- fixed contact form (updated to latest jquery version)
- optimized carousel display on tablet and mobile (home1.html)

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