Emerix is a professional HTML5 template the most suitable for business and portfolio websites.
It comes with extremely wide range of elements and widgets you can easily use for creating your website content. Besides, there are over 50 carefully prepared pages included in the template.
Multicolor Design
Emerix has a multicolor design – and it is a unique feature!
The template’s color scheme consists of 3 components: first main color (13 predefined colors), second main color (4 predefined colors), and main background scheme (green, blue, red, or brown).
This combination gives you a great variety of color design solutions and makes your website fresh and original.
Responsive Design
Emerix is fully responsive – resize your browser window to see it in action. All the layouts are built with responsive design in mind. It works well on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. The template is perfectly adapted to various screen sizes.
Main Features
- Multicolor responsive HTML5 and CSS3 design
- Cross-browser compatible
- Mobile and tablet optimized
- Google Web Fonts
- Search Engine Optimized
- 50 HTML page templates
- 3 header and 7 footer layout variations
- Plenty of elements and widgets you can choose from
- Main navigation (header menu):
- sticky (fixed) – optionally
- submenu auto-width
- megamenu option available
- Full-featured sidebar page layout + 12 widgets
- Video support throughout the template (YouTube, Vimeo and HTML5 video)
- Fully functional Contact, Comment, and Subscription Forms (Ajax + PHP)
- Over 400 icons
- jQuery enhanced:
- FlexSlider (extended and modified)
- PrettyPhoto (jQuery Lightbox clone)
- Portfolio filtering
- jQuery Carousel
- Tweeter Feed
- Google Maps implementation
- 3 layered PSD files:
- Homepage
- About Us page
- Color schemes templates
- All files are properly commented
- Complete documentation included
- Images used in Live Preview (not included in the download package):
- Photos from PhotoDune
- Free assets mostly from Flickr (CC BY) and morgueFile (Morguefile Free license)
- Open source JavaScript plugins:
- Respond.js – by Scott Jehl
- html5media – by Dave Hall
- SelectNav.js – by Lukasz Fiszer
- jQuery – by John Resig
- detectmobilebrowser.js – by Chad Smith
- jQuery Easing Plugin– by George McGinley Smith
- FitVids – by Chris Coyier and Dave Rupert
- prettyPhoto – by Stephane Caron
- FlexSlider – by WooThemes
- jQuery Carousel – by Thomas Jaggi
- Tweet.js-Mod – by Stan Scates
- jQuery Masonry – by David DeSandro
- HTML5 Shiv – by Alexander Farkas, Jonathan Neal, Paul Irish and John-David Dalton
- jQuery menu widget – by Joel Birch
Updates History
Version 1.1.2 – 28.06.2015
- Fixed: XSS security vulnerability in the prettyPhoto jQuery pluginFiles:M js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js (vers. 3.1.6)M js/jquery.prettyPhoto.min.js (vers. 3.1.6)
Version 1.1.1 – 04.09.2014
- Improved: multiple instances of the Projects Carousel can be used on a pageFiles:M css/layout.cssM css/carousel.cssM js/custom.jsM sliders.html
Version 1.1 – 14.01.2014
- Fixed: issue with displaying HTML5 video in lightbox in some versions of Google Chrome browser- Added: two-sidebar page layoutFiles:M js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js (lines 372-393)M js/jquery.prettyPhoto.min.jsM css/grid.cssM css/layout.cssA js/html5-video-template.htmlA page-2-sidebars.html
Version 1.0 – 09.01.2014
- Initial release