Nice Hotel - WordPress Theme

Nice Hotel - WordPress Theme

Introducing Nice Hotel

Nice hotel is a WordPress theme designed for hotels, hostels, resorts, spas and any other type of service which requires a booking type system.

Main Features

  • Accommodation Management: allows you to easily add descriptions and images of rooms/services.
  • Booking Wizard: Customers can reserve a room/service with ease and it’ll be sent straight to your inbox
  • Translation Ready: Nice Hotel has been fully tested with the latest version of WPML
  • Compatible with mobile devices: As of 13th Nov 2012 Nice Hotel has been made responsive so that it can be used on mobile devices such as the iPhone/iPad
  • 4 Skins Included or Easily Create Your Own: There are four pre-designed skins included, or if you’d prefer to create your own no problem, its just a few clicks in the theme options using the colour picker.
  • Events Management: Add all your latest events to your website using the built in events manager
  • Testimonials Management: Let people know about your satisfied customers, select the testimonials you like most and automatically add them to the website homepage
  • Easy to Configure Contact Page: Replicate the contact page shown in the demo in just a few clicks
  • Easy to Configure Home Page: Again the home page shown in the demo can be replicated in just a few clicks

Theme Options

Nice Hotel comes with a bunch of really hand theme options so that you can configure your website with minimum effort and time. The options panel is completely unbranded allowing you to easily add your company name to it.

Free Support

Top quality support comes as a standard feature when you purchase one of my items. I aim to respond to any support requests in less than 24 hours (usually a lot less) on business days – Mon – Fri. I understand not everyone is a code ninja and provide patient support for people with less knowledge of the web


= V1.0 - 17.07.2012 =* Initial Release= V1.1 - 22.07.2012 =* Fixed body text bug for testimonial, accommodation and photo gallery pages* Added option to add Google Map address using latitude and longitude* Added gallery album option* Fixed text translation bugs + updated .mo .po files* Added dummy XML data* Added more info to documentation= V1.2 - 29.07.2012 =* Fixed slideshow featured image bug* Fixed WPML compatibility issues= V1.3 - 03.08.2012 =* Added function to edit items per page for Accommodation, Testimonials and Gallery* Added pretty photo support for accommodation single slider* Fixed various other small bugs* Fixed various other small bugs= V1.4 - 07.08.2012 =* Fixed translation bugs= V1.4.1 - 17.10.2012 =* Fixed Google Maps not working in IE9 on certain pages= V1.4.2 - 21.10.2012 =* Fixed mobile scaling issue* Fixed map character escaping issue= V1.4.3 - 12.11.2012 =* Fixed booking form translation bug= V1.5 - 13.11.2012 =* Made theme responsive= V1.6 - 30.11.2012 =* Fixed slider arrow custom colour bug* Fixed logo responsive scaling bug= V1.7 - 10.12.2012 =* Improved Documentation= V1.7.1 - 17.12.2012 =* Updated for WP 3.5= V1.7.2 - 26.12.2012 =* Added background image uploader= V1.7.3 - 26.01.2013 =* Booking form now also emails the guest details of their booking* Added favicon theme option= V1.7.4 - 01.02.2013 =* Added option to switch date format= V1.7.5 - 06.02.2013 =* Fixed header image bug in Chrome= V1.7.6 - 08.02.2013 =* Fixed search bug= V1.7.7 - 19.02.2013 =* Fixed translation bug= V1.7.8 - 27.02.2013 =* Fixed IE8 photo gallery bug= V1.7.9 - 28.02.2013 =* Fixed translation bug= V1.7.10 - 02.03.2013 =* Fixed bug in functions.php= V1.7.11 - 06.03.2013 =* Fixed translation bug= V1.8 - 10.03.2013 =* Improved Photo Gallery functionality= V1.8.1 - 20.03.2013 =* Fixed slide font rendering bug in Safari= V1.8.2 - 24.03.2013 =* Fixed drop down menu bug= V1.8.3 - 02.04.2013 =* Improved WPML compatibility= V1.8.4 - 03.04.2013 =* Fixed booking form label bug    nice_hotel/template-booking.php= V1.8.5 - 04.04.2013 =* Improved accommodation single functionality    nice_hotel/single-accommodation.php    nice_hotel/js/scripts.js= V1.8.6 - 08.04.2013 =* Fixed accommodation single featured image bug    nice_hotel/single-accommodation.php    nice_hotel/js/scripts.js* Fixed responsive logo bug    nice_hotel/css/responsive.css    nice_hotel/functions.php= V1.9 - 09.04.2013 =* Improved single accommodation slideshow functionality    nice_hotel/functions/accommodation_meta.php    nice_hotel/admin/assets/images/delete.png    nice_hotel/single-accommodation.php    nice_hotel/template-homepage.php    nice_hotel/functions.php    nice_hotel/css/admin.css* Fixed menu z-index bug    nice_hotel/style.css= V1.9.1 - 19.04.2013 =* Fixed pagination bug    nice_hotel/template-accommodation.php    nice_hotel/template-blog.php    nice_hotel/template-events.php    nice_hotel/template-testimonials.php    nice_hotel/includes/pagination.php    nice_hotel/style.css= V1.9.2 - 12.09.2013 =* Fixed password protected posts bug    nice_hotel/functions.php= V1.9.3 - 05.12.2013 =* Allow multiple Google maps to be shown on the same page    nice_hotel/functions/shortcodes/googlemap.php* Added SMTP mail option    nice_hotel/admin/functions/functions.options.php    nice_hotel/template-booking.php    nice_hotel/template-contact.php* Fixed jQuery and Datepicker compatibility issues    nice_hotel/functions.php* Updated translation file    nice_hotel/languages/en_US.po= V1.9.4 - 16.12.2013 =* Added full width logo option    nice_hotel/admin/functions/functions.options.php    nice_hotel/functions.php    nice_hotel/style.css    nice_hotel/css/responsive.css= V1.9.5 - 21.01.2014 =* Fixed Google maps not displaying in pages    nice_hotel/functions/shortcodes/googlemap.php    nice_hotel/style.css* Fixed toggle shortcode    nice_hotel/functions.php* Added <!--more--> quicktag support    nice_hotel/functions.php    nice_hotel/template-blog.php    nice_hotel/includes/loop.php* Added alt text to gallery images    nice_hotel/functions/shortcodes/gallery.php* Allow multiple tab containers on a page    nice_hotel/functions/shortcodes/tabs.php    nice_hotel/js/scripts.js    nice_hotel/style.css* Added mailto: link to email in navigation bar    nice_hotel/header.php= V1.9.6 - 03.03.2014 =* Fixed selected tab highlight colour bug    nice_hotel/css/colours/cream-red.css    nice_hotel/css/colours/green-brown.css    nice_hotel/css/colours/green.css    nice_hotel/css/colours/purple.css= V1.9.7 - 10.03.2014 =* Fixed event order bug    nice_hotel/template-events.php    nice_hotel/functions/events_meta.php= V1.9.8 - 13.03.2014 =* Fixed full width logo bug    nice_hotel/style.css    nice_hotel/header.php    nice_hotel/functions.php= V1.9.9 - 31.03.2014 =* Fixed table and tabs CSS bug    nice_hotel/style.css    nice_hotel/functions.php= V1.9.10 - 15.04.2014 =* Added WPML XML file     nice_hotel/wpml-config.xml= V1.9.11 - 24.06.2015 =* Added prettyPhoto security fix    nice_hotel/js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js= V1.9.12 - 19.04.2016 =* Update widgets for latest WP    nice_hotel/widgets/

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